Biden Says He ‘Intends’ to Visit the Border

President Joe Biden, during an infrastructure event in Kentucky Wednesday night, confirmed to reporters that he intends to visit the U.S. Mexico border before a trip to Mexico City next Tuesday.

Biden stated, “That’s what I intended. We’re working out all the details now.”

Despite being a politician on Capitol Hill for almost 50 years, President Joe Biden has not visited the southern border.

Biden and his Administration have repeatedly rejected requests for a visit from Democrats for two years. Biden stated three weeks ago that he had “better” things to do.


Ilhan Omar called Jewish students “pro-genocide” simply for wanting to defend themselves from Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Ilhan is a disgrace to this country and has no business being in Congress! But that’s not going to happen unless you tell Washington just how you feel about Ilhan Omar and demand she be censured and expelled from Congress! Protect American Values today!

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Biden’s illegal immigration crisis, which he has created himself, continues to set new records.