Hunter Biden told Archer that Chinese chairman loved him for his ‘last name,’ posse of ‘godlike Aryan men’

Hunter Biden told Devon Archer, his business partner, that the Chinese tycoon he helped secure a multimillion-dollar deal in the communist country loved him because of his “lastname” and the fact that he always traveled with “handsome godlike Aryanmen,” according to emails analyzed by Fox News Digital.

In an email exchange from 2011, Hunter boasted to Archer of his relationship with Che, a Chinese tycoon they called “The Super Chairperson.”

Emails show that Feng assisted James Bulger and Hunter’s firms Rosemont Seneca Partners, Thornton Group LLC, and Jonathan Li’s company Bohai Capital to secure their partnership in order to launch Bohai Harvest RST BHR (BHR), controlled by Bank of China Limited.

Archer told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, in a Monday interview conducted behind closed doors, that Biden had coffee with Li and also wrote a letter of recommendation to Li’s daughter for college.

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The email thread started on Sep 21, 2011 when Michael Lin (co-founder of Bulger’s Thornton Group) forwarded to Hunter and Bulger a term sheet regarding the joint venture fund that Bulger and Li had established. Bulger is the namesake of Boston crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger.

“Gents Rock, you just sent me the translated version of the term sheet for cooperation (below) and the attached file about which Jonathan has been talking with SS in HK. Jonathan will use it (with the blanks filled in after confirmation with SS), to discuss with us here in DC”, wrote Lin. Lin has worked with State Legislative Leaders Foundation, a nonprofit organization that partners with Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CCP), a propaganda group which pushes CCP messages.

Lin wrote: “Good news after Jonathan’s meeting with Super chairman in HK,” Lin wrote. We three own 20% of the fund management company, while Jonathan has 10%. It’s still very good news for me and you both! )”

Lin reported Feng saying that he wanted other CCP-backed firms to be included in the venture.

“Super Chairman said: ‘I am not greedy, even though I committed US$100 millions. Lin recalled that he had planned to give a part of the remaining 70% of the money to other Chinese large firms, which he would invite to join them, such as China Investment Corp.

Lin said to Hunter and Bulger, “This is surprising great for us.” Companies like CIC will enhance the FMC’s credibility, and make the fund pie bigger if ever they decide to join. Imagine that we’ll be on the same board as CIC, or any other Chinese huge investment or fund houses )!!!) I look forward to meeting you both with Jonathan in DC.”

Hunter forwarded Lin’s email to Archer who founded Rosemont Seneca Partners and told him that the proposal sounded like the windfall the partners were looking for.

Hunter said to Archer, “Please keep this between us.” But the bottom line is that if you/I get around 7% from this fund, it could in many ways be the end of all things. I don’t believe in lotteries anymore, but I believe in super chairman. Below. “I know Michael is overly optimistic, but if we owned 20% of a CIC fund backed by the super chairman I would think that the sky was the limit.”

Archer responded, “Wow.”

Archer responded, “This smells more and more like reality.” “I believe in the super chair as well, and I am starting to think this is the way things really go down on mainland. I will read the email on my next flight and go over the terms sheet.”

Hunter then explained his theory as to why Feng chose him. He said that he had met Feng via Li, who was then the CEO of Bohai Capital and later became the CEO at BHR.

Your question – “Why does Super Chair love you so much?” is easily answered. Hunter wrote that it has nothing to with him and everything to with his last name. (I also bring with me very handsome Aryan men godlike wherever I go).

The son of the president continued, “Regardless-if this is real (moved to 5% chance to 25%), you and I will have to have an in-depth discussion about how to divide up things moving forward.” “My opinion, is that all I have done since we became partners has been equally yours and mine. In this case, I would have never met SC had I not met Jonathan through Michael via Jimmy through you and Chris. My point is that whatever happens or what we do in the future, I think it’s 50/50 between you and me. We can figure out everyone else on the backend.”

He added: “The bottom line is that when Jimmy and Michael accuse us of f’ing their relationship in Beijing, you will be 50% responsible.”

Feng, son of a PLA soldier, was formerly a business partner with Ma Jian. Ma Jian is China’s KGB and the former Vice Minister of State Security.

Hunter replied, “I agree without hesitation.” Archer. We need to sit down and discuss all the details next week. We need to consider the future, including current cash flow, long-term cash flow, and wealth creation home runs. We need to consider the future in terms of current cash-flow, longer term cash-flow, wealth creation home runs etc.

Hunter told The New Yorker that he introduced his father to Li after they flew to Beijing in December 2013, when he and his dad were on Air Force Two.

Vice President Biden, then in office, traveled to Beijing for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Hunter, who was with the U.S. delegation, arranged a handshake between Li’s father and himself in the lobby hotel. Hunter then met Li privately.

BHR Partners registered less than two weeks after Biden’s arrival in China.

Archer said that Hunter often placed his father on speakerphone when meeting with business partners. Two lawmakers confirmed this Monday.

Fox News Digital did not receive any comments from Hunter Biden or Devon Archer’s attorneys.