Rashida Tlaib Speaks at Anti-Israel Conference Linked to Terror Group PFLP

Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democratic Representative, spoke at a conference against Israel in Detroit on Saturday. The conference was organized by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, or PFLP, which the U.S. considers a Foreign Terror Organization.

The Detroit Free Press covered Tlaib’s remarks made at the People’s Conference for Palestine held at Wayne State University.

Rashida Tlaib, U.S. Rep., attacked President Joe Biden in an address to the People’s Conference for Palestine held in downtown Detroit. She urged them to do more in order to stop the “genocide”, as she called it in Gaza.

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The organizers reported that more than 3,000 people had registered for the People’s Conference for Palestine. They arrived in Detroit on Friday, some from all over the United States and others from abroad. Organizers said the goal of the conference was to serve as a “space to assess, strategize, and prepare us for what we need to do in our next phase” of struggle.

The sessions included “Palestinian Resistance & the Path to Liberation”, “Confronting Zionism In Higher Education”, and “Zionism & U.S. Imperialism”. A vendor fair featured Palestinian clothing, art and more. Many attendees wore keffiyehs – the headdress or scarves that have become a Palestinian symbol.

The National Review reported that Wisam Rafeedie is “associated” to the PFLP, while Sana Daqqah is married a PFLP terror:

Wisam Rafeedie was one of the speakers at the Michigan conference. He is an activist with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist/Leninist terrorist group that operates in Gaza, but has its headquarters in Damascus, the Syrian capital. The U.S. State Department has declared the PFLP a terrorist group, along with Japan, Canada and the European Union.

Sana’ Daqqah was the keynote speaker of the People’s Conference for Palestine. She is the wife of PFLP terrorist Walid DAQQAH. Daqqah, who was incarcerated in Israel for his role in the 1984 PFLP kidnapping, torture, and murder of Israeli soldier Moshe Taam, died in April from cancer.

Israel Defense Forces stated in November that Hamas – which was responsible for the brutal invasion of Israel on October 7, – likely gave a 10-month-old Israeli baby and his family to another Palestinian terror group based in Gaza. The Telegraph reported that security analyst Michael Horowitz believed the group to be the PFLP.

Rafeedie, in remarks translated live, called the claims that Hamas militants sexually assaulted and killed women and children on 7 October “cheap lie” and “propaganda”.

Recent campus protests have seen posters of Walid Dqqah at pro-Palestinian encampments.

The Jerusalem Post has been added.

In order to promote the event, the Palestinian Youth Movement, (PYM), which was one of its organizers, shared a video endorsement by Salah Salah. Salah is one of PFLP’s founding members, and the PFLP has been designated by the US since 1997 as a terrorist group. Salah has been referred to by the PFLP as a “historical leader.”

Wisam Rafeedie is one of those who will speak at the event. He is a self confessed member of the PFLP. Rafeedie, according to Amnesty International’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention also ran a clandestine publication house for the PFLP in the 1980s. Sana’ Daqqa is another key speaker. She was the wife of Walid Daqqa who, in 1984, was charged with kidnapping an Israeli soldier and killing him.

It is important to note that the PFLP has publicly boasted of its active involvement in the massacre on October 7, in which 1,200 Palestinian terrorists murdered and 240 hostages were taken into Gaza. Some are reportedly held by the PFLP. Hamas has been coordinating its activities in Gaza with the PFLP, as well as their shared stance on potential hostage releases.

Tlaib was open about her support of a “one state solution” in the past. One that involves the dismantling Israel. She said that the people should not vote for Joe Biden at the November 2024 elections to demonstrate their opposition to the support he has for Israel, however lukewarm.

In 1997, the U.S. State Department designated the PFLP as a terrorist organization.