Rally 4 The Republic | Bryan Rudnick

With Bryan Rudnick

Join Bryan Rudnick, a Republican political consultant and the Chief Evangelist of Alliance Strategies Group as he expresses his motivation for protecting our Republic and daily fights against liberal hypocrisy and corrupt politicians. 

He has other passions ranging from ending injustices and preserving America as our Founding Fathers intended (which include his strong support for the 2A). The show will serve as a battle cry for the American way of life where Rudnick dissects current events, discusses his interests, passions, and provides his professional perspective on politics in 2024 and beyond. Future episodes will include interviews with headline making newsmakers and others influential people.  

You can count on a few surprises.


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Podcast Episodes:

What happened last night? | ep 12

28 June 2024 9:00 pm

In this episode, show host Bryan Rudnick provides his analysis on last evening's Presidential Debate. 

Bryan expresses strong criticism towards Joe Biden and his performance in the debate, referring to it as elder abuse.  He also takes note of Democrat reactions to Joe Biden and cautions the GOP to be careful of what they wish for and He suggests that Joe Biden should be retired from running for president and discuss the potential replacement candidates within the Democratic Party. 

Bryan also emphasizes the importance of staying on message and presenting a strong and powerful image to the American people.

Supreme Court Weighs In On Idaho | ep 11

27 June 2024 11:00 pm

In episode 11 of Rally 4 The Republic, Bryan Rudnick discusses the upcoming debate and criticizes Republicans who have endorsed Joe Biden. 

He highlights the Supreme Court's decisions on emergency abortions in Idaho and the issue of gender neutrality. Rudnick argues that the Biden administration is a threat to democracy and accuses them of being child abusers for supporting transgender surgeries for minors.

Time To Celebrate... We booted Bowman | ep 10

26 June 2024 10:00 pm

In this episode, Bryan Rudnick celebrates the defeat of Squad Member Jamaal Bowman in the NY-16 Democrat primary last night.

Various topics are covered including the upcoming debate, America's newspapers, the influence of their editorial boards, and the Surgeon General's new warning about gun violence in America. Rudnick takes him and the Biden Administration to task regarding  the Second Amendment and why this new warning is just political theatre. 

 Rudnick also highlights other political topics of the day and some of the electoral results from the prior night.

Guest Interview#1--Pollster Rick Shaftan | ep 09

26 June 2024 12:00 am

In this episode of "Rally 4 the Republic," host Bryan Rudnick takes a turn with his first interview and welcomes Rick Shaftan of Neighborhood Research and Media. Rick discusses his extensive experience in political polling and media consulting, emphasizing the importance of live callers for detailed polling and the impact of targeted messaging. 

The conversation delves into Rick's methodologies, such as identifying specific community characteristics for effective campaign strategies. They also reflect on past campaign successes and challenges, including insights into the Virginia 5 race and the effectiveness of various campaign strategies. 

The episode underscores the significance of precise, consistent messaging and the role of thorough polling in political campaigns.

Bitches, Ho's, Cardi B & AOC | ep 08

24 June 2024 5:00 pm

In this episode of "Rally for the Republic," host Bryan Rudnick returns from the campaign trail with an anonymous in-studio guest to discuss key political events.

Rudnick gives his critique of AOC's rally for Jamaal Bowman over the weekend and the need to boot Bowman in tomorrow's Democrat Primary. 

He also offers listeners a detailed explanation of political debate logistics and his prediction for the debate scheduled between Trump and Biden for this coming Thursday.  Rudnick also provides a strategy for Trump to win the debate.
Rudnick concludes with thoughts on last week's Supreme Court decisions, and what you may not be hearing in the mainstream media.

This episode culminates with a call to action for listeners and a teaser for the next episode which will include a guest interview.

Father's Day 2024 | ep 07

18 June 2024 11:00 pm

In this episode of Rally for the Republic, host Bryan Rudnick discusses current political issues, criticizing figures like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden while emphasizing the importance of law and order, the economy, and border security to American voters.

He also reminds listeners about the NY16 Congressional Primary and addresses last week's Supreme Court decisions as well as judicial corruption, particularly in family courts, using former GOP Senate Candidate Sean Parnell's custody battle as an example.

Rudnick reflects on the significance of Father's Day, comparing its celebration to Mother's Day and discussing societal changes affecting the role of fathers. He concludes by urging listeners to hold the government accountable and continue fighting for their beliefs.

NY CD 16 Map & Zip codes

Did SCOTUS Fail Conservatives?| AG Garland Must Go| Boot Bowman in NY16 | ep 06

13 June 2024 6:00 pm

In the sixth episode of Rally 4 The Republic, Bryan Rudnick discusses various current events from the Russian warships off the coast of South Florida to the Supreme Court's decision on the abortion pill along with the contempt vote for AG  Merrick Garland and it's significance. Rudnick strongly detailed the importance of the Trump/GOP Leadership meeting in DC and why common-sense Americans need to boot Jamaal Bowman from Congress during the Primary Election in New York's 16th Congressional District that's scheduled for June 25th. Rudnick also touches on Israel, the judiciary and other topics of importance.

NY CD 16 Map & Zip codes

The Trump Effect & Middle East "Negotiations" | ep 05

12 June 2024 9:00 pm

In the fifth installment of "Rally 4 The Republic," host Bryan Rudnick covers several hot-button issues, from Hunter Biden, to  the ongoing "negotiations" in the Middle East,  the 2024 election and wayward federal judges.

Rudnick criticizes Joe Biden's handling of gun control, arguing that Democrats have exacerbated crime and undermined law enforcement with their lax border security and defund agenda. He also discusses the path for forcing Hamas into a true ceasefire and the impact Donald Trump's endorsements had on primary elections last night across the country. Additionally, Rudnick addresses the woke federal judges who are attempting to blocking Ron DeSantis' Freedom Agenda and permit children to engage in gender transition treatments.   Most importantly, Rudnick emphasizes the need to financially support Republican candidates up and down the ballot this election cycle to ensure conservatives are victorious in November. 

Throughout the episode, Rudnick's commentary is direct, unfiltered and on-point for today's current events.

Hunter Biden Guilty - Joe Biden Disapproval Ratings | ep 04

11 June 2024 6:00 pm

Bryan Rudnick responds to the breaking news of Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict in his gun trial (which was announced just before he recorded today).  He criticizes Joe Biden for staring into the abyss at the Juneteenth celebration last night where Biden used extreme language to once again scare and pander to Black Voters. Rudnick also highlights Joe Biden’s historic disapproval ratings that’s serving as the impetus for several Democrat pollsters/pundits who are calling for Biden to drop out of the 2024 election. Additionally, Rudnick opines about Nancy Pelosi's recent January 6th revelation as well as the “secret” recordings of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito by a liberal journalist and the wayward actions of judges in Florida’s Courts.  

Biden Apologizes To Zelenskyy - US Government Control On Light Bulbs? | ep 03

10 June 2024 9:00 pm

Bryan Rudnick discusses Joe Biden's recent trip to Europe, criticizing his apologies and attacks on fellow Americans. He also highlights the issue of government control, specifically focusing on the regulation of light bulbs and appliances. Rudnick concludes by expressing concerns about the judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, and the potential for corruption among judges and justices.

D-Day, Israel and the Judiciary | ep 02

7 June 2024 1:00 am

Bryan Rudnick discusses various topics including the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the state of the judiciary, the 2024 election, and the situation in Israel. He expresses his gratitude for the sacrifices made during D-Day and criticizes Joe Biden's policies towards veterans and Israel. He also emphasizes the need to hold judges accountable and urges conservatives to focus on issues that resonate with Americans in order to win the 2024 election.  As mentioned on the show: https://secure.anedot.com/starpac/Rally4TheRepublic

Pilot | Rally 4 The Republic | ep 01

6 June 2024 4:00 pm

In the first episode of Rally for The Republic, host Bryan Rudnick, introduces himself as a political consultant with nearly 30 years of experience. He expresses his passion for fighting to preserve our Republic, being motivated to fight against injustices and his lifelong passion for keeping America as our Founding Fathers intended. Rudnick outlines his philosophy for calling out hypocrisy, promoting conservative principles, and cleaning house in the judiciary as well as at all other levels of government.