Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

Senate Democrats added language to the annual authorization bill for defense to require women to sign up for the draft. This prompted a backlash by Republicans and social conservatives, and complicated the chances of the bill being moved on the Senate floor prior to Election Day.

Conservatives led Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss. They will certainly try to remove the requirement that women register for the draft. This could be a difficult vote for senators. Jon Tester, D-Mont. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev. and other Democrats are in tight races for reelection.

Sam Brown, the Republican candidate who is running to replace Rosen in Nevada’s Senate race, has already made it an issue.

Brown, a severely burned Army veteran, who suffered an explosion from an IED, attacked Rosen in a video, for voting for requiring women to register for the draft.


“Look at me.” He posted a recent message on the social network X, “This is the high price of war.”

“Amy, I and my wife volunteered to serve and we honor everyone who serves,” he wrote in a letter to his wife. “But forcing America’s daughters to sign up for the draft is unacceptable.” “Shame on Jacky Rose.”

Brown used the scarring that covered his face to demonstrate the dangers women face in combat theatres.

“Look at me. It’s the cost of war. I was just informed that Jacky Rose voted to make the signing up for the draught mandatory for our daughters. “You’ll hear more about this from me,” he said.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) The provision that requires women to register for the draft was called “insane” by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

He said that the Biden administration was trying to implement an agenda of wokeness at the Pentagon.

There shouldn’t even be any women in the draft. He said that women shouldn’t have to serve in the military if they do not want to. He criticised Democrats for wanting military experiments, saying that “normal people would say, Leave our daughters alone.”

Hawley has led the effort to remove the language that requires women to sign up for military service in 2021 or 2022.

A group associated with former Vice-President Mike Pence also spoke out on Wednesday.

The group Advancing America Freedom wrote a letter addressed to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, (Ky.), and Speaker Mike Johnson, (R-La.). Declaring that “the idea of the United States of America forcing women to register in order to fight in our wars is simply unsustainable and must be fought at all costs.”

Wicker, top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said he would try to remove it from the bill.

“I don’t like that.” This is not the time for a heated debate in either chamber about this. “We’re nowhere near implementing the draft and I think it’s a distracting issue when we should be discussing real issues which are urgent,” he said.

He added, “I hope that it will come out either in the conference or on the floor.”

Jack Reed, the chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee (D-R.I. ), defended this policy change. He argued that women could hold many positions in warfighting without being front-line infantry soldiers.

He said: “Women do a remarkable work in our forces, and I believe we would require all citizens who are 18 years old and older if we had to draft.”

He added: “If we have to go through a draft it means that we are in a very serious situation.”

“It is not like World War II, where we needed a lot more infantry. We need cyber experts. We need intelligence analysts. He said, “Wait a minute. There are many women who can do this job better than men.”

He said that the extreme GOP opposition to this proposal “just does not make sense.”

Senate aides note that the issue crosses party lines. Some Republicans are generally in favor of forcing women to register for the Selective Service System at age 18, just as men do.

Senate Republicans have already raised doubts over whether Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D.N.Y.), will bring the bill before the Senate any time soon, due to the decreasing number of legislative days left until the November election.

“I hope we get the floor.” This debate must be held publicly. “I hear murmurs that the Democratic Leader may not bring this to the floor. I hope that that can be reversed,” Wicker stated.

McConnell urged Schumer on Monday to bring defense legislation to the floor of the Senate “without delay.”

The Republican leader applauded the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this month for marking up the Defense Bill, but suggested that Democrats could drag out the process before bringing it to a vote on the Senate floor.

He said that “senior Senate Democrats, shortly after the committee action, shattered all expectations of them being ready to take the needs of national defense seriously.”

Democrats who live in Republican-leaning states or battlegrounds, like Montana and Nevada, could be harmed by a vote to require women to become eligible for the draft.

Steve Daines, Chair of the National Republican Senate Committee (R-Mont. ), has been appointed as Chairman. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) is the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Montana’s brave men and women continue the rich tradition of service that has been left by the Treasure State when they join our nation’s armed forces. Daines stated at the time that there was no need to force the daughters of our nation to join the draft.

Hawley proposed an amendment in order to remove the women’s draft from the NDAA by 2021. Hawley’s action put pressure upon Democrats to remove the issue without voting on his amendment in December that year.