Wipe that smug grin off Liz Cheney’s face

She's thumbed her nose at us conservatives one too many times!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Patriots:

I’ve got bad news.

RINO Liz Cheney has endorsed Ted Cruz’s liberal opponent!

This was already a tight race with the race virtually tied!

Now RINO Liz has decided to shill for the Dems and help them defeat Ted Cruz.

Are you going to let Liz get away with that?

Take a stand against RINO Liz and get Cruz re-elected to the Senate so he can keep fighting for our conservative values!


Senator Ted Cruz is a proven patriot who has fought to defend our country from the Biden/Harris agenda and the left’s attempt to destroy it from within.

And now RINO Liz wants to rear her ugly head into this race so she can thumb her nose at the conservatives who booted her out of Congress.

Are you going to let RINO Liz defeat one of the strongest conservatives in the Senate?

Because if Ted Cruz loses his Senate race, goodbye to any chance of taking back the Senate from the Democrats!

Join the fight against RINO Liz Cheney’s meddling today!

Listen, this race will be decided by Latino voters, which makes up over 40% of the voters in Texas… that’s more than the white voters in this state.

If we don’t engage the Latino voters, Ted Cruz will lose. And Liz Cheney will succeed in getting back at the conservatives who defeated her in 2022.

Do you want that to happen?

Then join the team that will get Senator Cruz reelected to the U.S. Senate and wipe that smug grin off RINO Liz’s face. Donate today!

For America,

Bianca Gracia

Bianca Gracia
Latinos for America First PAC




Latinos for America First


Paid for by Latinos for America First

Latinos for America First is not affiliated with authorized, or associated with any campaign or candidate.