A Rare Opportunity

Even if you're not Jewish, it's vital you see this.
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Concerned American:

If Jewish voters don’t vote their values this November, we will lose more than an election.

Over 2,500 of my fellow rabbis and I, who make up the Coalition for Jewish Values, have made this point clear to our communities, our families, and our congregations, but that won’t be enough to save our nation.

Because this election is like none other before… We’re not talking about right and left issues.

We’re talking about life and death issues.

Even if you aren’t Jewish… this is of vital importance to you.

Because our values are your values. And we need everyone’s support to make this happen.

Will join us in making the 2024 Election about values by kicking in your support today?

November is presenting a once-in-a-generation opportunity for more Jewish voters than ever before to vote for the values that were given to us at Mount Sinai.

The impetus may be tragic, but Jews across America are starting to wake up to the threats we face from Muslim extremists in the Middle East and here in North America.

Even worse are the egregious attacks that have been perpetrated by the left since the October 7th massacre last year.

Attacks like those have not been seen since the Holocaust.

Jewish voters have been forced to rethink how they will safeguard their families, our community, and this nation. Where do they fit in politically?

There has never been a better time to reach out to them and to help, educate, and encourage.

We’re ready to help disaffected Jewish voters better understand the stakes our nation faces and why we can no longer afford to have elected leaders who thwart the Constitution and disregard the Bible.

We will redouble our efforts to ensure they register to vote, and, without telling anyone how to vote, we know what will happen next.

All we are missing is your support to make that happen.

Are you ready to bring to truth to Jewish voters so they will vote their values this November?

We must encourage and educate Jewish voters like never before to vote their values.

The fate of the United States and Israel is at stake. Are you ready to save both from annihilation?

May G-d continue to bless you, America, and Israel,

Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Managing Director, Coalition for Jewish Values

P.S. The enemies of the Jewish Community are also the enemies of Christians. Support our efforts with a swift contribution of $50 or more and do your part to help influence Jewish voters to vote for their values.






Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV)


The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) is a project of Project Genesis, Inc., a 501c 3 non-profit, non-partisan organization. The Coalition for Jewish Values advocates for classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of American public policy. Donations to the CJV are tax-deductible within applicable limits for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. We are grateful for your support.