%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow American: While you were popping champagne and celebrating the beginning of 2025, 15 people were killed by an ISIS-aligned attacker in New Orleans. And even as Trump takes office, I’m worried there are still those in Congress who will fight any attempts to stop the threats from the Middle East, Russia, and China, leading to even more attacks on our home soil.
Then you have got to help us start 2025 strong! STAR PAC was key in getting Conservative Veterans like John James, Pat Harri-gan, and Derrick Van Orden to victory this past November. The threat to our safety won't stop until we have a government of strong leaders who put protecting citizens ahead of partisan agendas! If we don’t do something NOW, this attack will be the start of a year of violent attacks by those seeking to destroy this country. If you don’t want to see that happen, then join our team today! STAR PAC is dedicated to electing Conservative Veterans to Congress because they know what it will take to Make America Safe Again. But we can’t do it alone. That’s why it falls on you. What price are you willing to pay to protect our nation from enemies wishing to destroy our way of life? Let’s work together to Make America Safe today! Because that’s what it’s going to take to ensure we have the right team in Congress to end the attacks on our home soil. God Bless America,
Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman (USMC, ret) represents Michigan’s 1st Congressional District and is the highest-ranking combat Veteran serving in Congress. He established STAR PAC to help fill the void and to support conservative Veterans—men and women who know what it means to defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic as they seek elective office. He believes it’s one of the many ways we can fix Washington and he hopes you’ll join him in this mission. |