%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Concerned American: Washington is now back to regular order and the left is on the attack. They’re back to calling members of the Trump Administration names, putting radicals like David Hogg in their leadership and claiming D.O.G.E. is “unconstitutional.” And now they’ve announced out a “10-part plan” to stop Trump from completing his vision for America’s Golden Era. Will you stand with us and fight back TODAY? These are the same people who dragged Trump through the mud every day since 2015, impeached him twice based on lies and viciously engaged in lawfare to stop him from returning to the White House. While they were treating our nation like a banana republic, weaponizing the federal government against law-abiding citizens, and paying Politico over $30 Million to run propaganda campaigns, they lost the support of the American people. Now they’re fighting to keep things the way they were, especially since D.O.G.E. just exposed how taxpayers like allowed agencies like USAID to frivolously spend over $200 Million on:
Everything Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, Chuck Schumer and David Hogg are doing is with 1 goal in mind—to return to power so they can keep wasting YOUR money on programs like these—and to create a pathway for Kamala to win in 2028. Are you going to let them win or are you going to join with us to stop them? Donald Trump needs Congress to pass laws to make his policies permanent, but the left is hellbent on stopping him. In fact, these cry-babies will stop at nothing. They feel determined to fight for every dime in the federal budget even if it means your family will suffer. Please don’t think for a moment that they can’t succeed. The GOP’s small majorities give them a path and Trump is being forced to court RINOs at the White House on an almost daily basis. Will you chip in any dollar amount TODAY to help secure our America First agenda once and for all? God Bless America, David