1 Week to Save America

This will ruin our country for YEARS!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Republican,

There is a clear and present danger facing our nation – and it’s the invasion of illegal entrants into our country.

One thing is clear… a Kamala White House would make it worse than the horrible job Joe Biden has done.

And my Democrat opponent has been a rubber stamp for the Biden-Harris border plan voting time and again to provide amnesty for MILLIONS of illegals.

Even worse, there’s no sign of him doing anything else under a Harris-Walz administration because it gives the Democrats a permanent majority in Congress for years to come.

If that’s not what you want for this country, then I need your assistance to defeat Kamala’s rubber stamp so we can protect America’s families!

Contrary to reports in the legacy media, the voters I talk to in every diner, at the grocery store, at shopping plazas, ball fields, and gas station are tired of the left’s destruction of this country, and they are ready to fight back to protect their families and the nation!

And while my campaign has momentum, it’s only going to carry me so far.

With just a few days left before the primary election, I’m short $28,331.23 that I need to get out my message to reach every potential voter.

I’ve got the Big Mo’… but I need your help to raise the rest of the dough! Will you kick in your support in my final push to bring principled leadership to Congress?


The money that I need to raise could potentially tip the scales in my favor.

It’s holding up ads that could inform voters about the experiences I had in business, like President Trump, before I entered politics and showed some lifelong politicians what leadership really looks like.

It would also benefit them to know that I’m running against a rubber-stamp Kamala Harris supporter and how I’ve been endorsed by numerous local business, civic, and GOP leaders as well as some national conservative leaders.

The clock is ticking and every moment counts!

With just 1 week to go, I need your swift contribution of ANY Amount to reach the $28,331.23 goal so we put it to good use before August 20th.

Otherwise, it’s 4 years of radical leftist policies with millions of more illegal entrants entering our nation.

Do I really need to spell out how that will impact you and your family?

So much is at stake! Do your part to protect our nation today!

For America’s Future,

Robert Weinroth

Robert Weinroth
Republican for Congress





Contributions to ROBERT S. WEINROTH FOR CONGRESS are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.