Don’t expect the Media to show this video

This video could tank Kamala's chances!
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%%FIRST NAME%% OR My Fellow American:

If you believe the media right now, Kamala is the most moderate Democrat in existence.

But Kamala’s own words prove how radical she really is.

In fact, a new video shows Kamala urging everybody to be Woke! Watch it here.


If we can show Black voters the REAL Kamala, we can tip the scales back in Donald Trump’s favor.

Kick in $25, $50, $100, to expose Kamala’s Woke and dangerous policies and to persuade Black voters to support Donald Trump.

Despite the scrubbing by GovTrack, Google, and various media organizations, Kamala was one of the most liberal politicians in Washington.

  • Kamala spent the beginning of her career putting Black men in jail but then ran to the “Defund the Police” left once she ran for the Senate.
  • Kamala claimed that the GOP believed that slavery was good for Black People.
  • Kamala promoted a BLM bail fund that released a man who later committed murder.
  • Kamala proceeded over the invasion of the Southern Border that has allowed in millions of illegal aliens, drugs, human trafficking, criminals, and even terrorists!

And Kamala was the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, resulting in the Kamala Crash we’re witnessing right now in the stock market!

Despite all of this, Black voters won’t know the truth unless we’re there to open their eyes.

They deserve to know the truth about why everything costs so much, who’s responsible, and why their bills won’t stop rising under these Democrat policies.

Support our efforts to put boots on the ground and expose the truth about Kamala Harris to Black voters.

The media hype has given Kamala and her progressive running mate a significant boost in poll numbers. Prior to this change in horses, Donald Trump had the lead and was a shoo-in for the White House.

All the pundits know that Black Voters will decide who wins this November.

This is why it’s so important that help us double our efforts to counter the media hype and their attempts to hide the truth about Kamala before Black America gets duped for another sixty years.

It’s up to you and me to expose just how Woke and dangerous she is to the voters.

Join our efforts to Save Black America. Donate Today!

For a New Journey,

James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
Founder, New Journey PAC







New Journey PAC



New Journey PAC was founded by James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, who is the former Executive Producer for the Rush Limbaugh Show and worked alongside Limbaugh for 30 years. New Journey PAC engages minority voters with an effective, relentless campaign to answer the Left’s lies about the Republican Party and educates voters as to why the GOP is the only party of freedom and prosperity.