Fairy tales belong in books, not the White House

We can't let this liar step foot in the White House!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Conservative:

In order to serve as the Vice President of the United States, No. 2 in line for the presidency, you can't have a reputation as a liar.

Yet that's what the Democrats are giving us with Tim Walz.

  • He lied about his rank.
  • He lied about being in combat.
  • He lied to his own unit about his willingness to deploy with them to Iraq.
  • He lied about winning an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce.

Con artists lie, but we can’t accept that from Vice Presidents. Join me in demanding Tim Walz step down as Kamala's VP candidate by kicking in your support today.

With over 40 years of service in the Marine Corps, you can be assured that I’m fulfilling my oath to protect this nation by exposing Walz’ falsehoods.

In fact, I appreciate Walz’ service to our country. But I DO NOT appreciate his lies about his military or business record.

And I definitely don’t appreciate Walz lying about carrying weapons in war, when it was clear he never did.

And the worst sin, I don’t appreciate that he ran from the fight before his unit was supposed to deploy to Iraq… yet he had the audacity to claim credit for it when he was on the national stage.

It’s time to demand Walz come clean. But it’s going to take pressure from concerned citizens like you to make that happen. Make your voice heard today!

This isn’t a bar story that got out of hand. This is a man who could be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

An apology isn’t enough. Demand Walz step down today!

Fairy tales don’t belong in books, not in the White House. It’s time we expect more from our leaders.

God Bless America,

Bergman for Congress

Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-1)
Lt. Gen., USMC (ret.)







Paid for by Bergman for Congress

Rep. Jack Bergman is a retired member of the United States Marine Corps. The use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, or the Department of Defense.