His name was Hersh Goldberg-Polin

His only crime was that he was Jewish.
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Dear Supporter of Israel or %%FIRST NAME%%:

His name was Hersh Goldberg-Polin. He was an Israeli who also was an American citizen. And his only “crime” was that he was Jewish.

For that crime, Goldberg-Polin and 5 other hostages were brutally murdered by Hamas.

THIS is the evil that Israel is facing, and this is why Israel can’t stop until Hamas is completely eradicated.

The people of Israel are hurting right now because of the death of 6 of their fellow citizens… unsure of the fate of the other 97 hostages still held by Hamas.

Show the people of Israel that you stand with them with your swift contribution of $25, $50, or $100 toward our Israel Emergency Fund today.


Since October 7th, 2023, Israelis have been forced to endure barbarism against Jews not seen since the Holocaust.

And just this week, they’ve been victims of missile attacks over their towns and cities from Iran-backed enemies who are not only targeting Jews, but Christians, Druze, citizens of the U.S. and elsewhere—the enemy has no limitations.

Despite this, leaders in Washington have put pressure on Israel to end the war rather than on Hamas to release the hostages.

Make no mistake, Hersh’s murder was strategic because his family spoke on behalf of the hostages at the Democratic National Convention last month.

These are brutal thugs, and they won’t stop until Israel completely dismantles their terror operation which is why we can’t stop supporting the Israel Defense Forces and the civilian security services.

Israel will struggle to win the war and to prevent total genocide unless you step up to help us.

It’s time to show that you proudly stand with Israel in the greatest threat this young country has faced in decades!

Stand with Israel today.

And pray for the security and safe return of the remaining hostages held by Iran’s proxy terrorists.


May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

Jonathan Feldstein

Jonathan Feldstein
President, Genesis 123 Foundation







The Genesis 123 Foundation is a US-based non-profit. Our mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful. We have diverse leadership of Jews and Christians united toward this objective, and aspire to create an abundance of programs to achieve these goals. We are excited to play a role in this important mission and hope you will join us and be blessed.