How low will it go?

The Kamala Crash is happening.
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Republican,

The Kamala Crash is happening.

Stocks suffered a major drop thanks to Bidenomics and the disastrous policies pushed by the Biden/Harris administration.

And my Democrat opponent was right there all along supporting legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act that has made everything more expensive while adding trillions to our national debt.

And now our economy is in a nosedive with Kamala and my Democrat opponent stepping harder on the gas!

We can't risk another 4 years of the Democrats running our country into the ground!

Help me get our country back on track before we have no country left to rescue!

The choice couldn’t be more clear. Do you want a thriving economy or the next Great Depression?

Do you want good-paying jobs for Americans? Or see them shipped on to China, Asia, and Mexico?

Do you want household bills you can afford? Or continue to see your grocery bill, your health insurance and fuel prices increase every time you pay for them?

This is what’s at stake and it’s why I need your support to beat my Democrat opponent!

I’m not just running as a GOP candidate. I’m running as a GOP candidate who has the potential to win.

And if you join my efforts to Save America by kicking in $50 or whatever you can afford, you can make the difference in my success.

It’s not just hyperbole. The tides are changing. The momentum is gaining.

Americans are waking up.

If you want someone to help Trump fix the mess in Washington, then join my team today!

For America’s Future,

Robert Weinroth

Robert Weinroth
Republican for Congress





Contributions to ROBERT S. WEINROTH FOR CONGRESS are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.