I can’t believe I’m saying this

This does not look good for November!
͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌  ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌  ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ 

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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Conservative:

Rick Scott is now the official GOP Nominee.

And as we expected, he’s facing liberal Debbie-Murcasel Powell in the November election.

Despite Murcasel-Powell’s liberal voting record, the changing political tides may have given her an opportunity to defeat Rick Scott. It’s the same reason Kamala is predicting Florida is now in play for the Presidential race as well.

I hate to admit it, but Team Kamala may be on to something.

The Democrats have two state ballot initiatives on the ballot that’s guaranteed to disproportionately turn out Democrats on Election Day. And if we don’t get support from conservatives like you, I’m not sure how we’re going to stop them.

But if you want to give it a fighting chance that we defeat 2 leftist sponsored ballot initiatives along with the progressive candidates they’re intended to prop up, then kick in your support today to Keep Florida Red!

Florida is too vital for the Presidential race and control of the Senate! We can’t let them win the Sunshine State—a state known for leading our nation in Freedom.

If Kamala turns Florida Blue, there’s no path for a Trump victory in November and it will all buy guarantee a Rick Scott loss as well.

That means 4 more years of skyrocketing interest rates, with the prices of groceries and gas going up even higher.

That means 4 more years of amnesty programs and fentanyl on our streets.

That means 4 more years of Soviet-style price controls that will create bread lines and food shortages!

Florida is a MUST-WIN state, and these state ballot initiatives give the Democrats the inside track.

So, if you want Trump, Rick Scott, and an end to Kamala’s destruction of this country, kick in $50 or whatever amount you can to ensure we Keep Florida Red!

Winning in November is up to us. Please don’t give the left any opportunity to win here.

For our nation,
Peter M. Feaman
Peter M. Feaman
Chairman, Keep Florida Red
Republican National Committeeman, State of Florida – 2012 - 2024




Keep Florida Red



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