Might as well turn your guns in now

No more guns allowed?
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Republican,

While a nation mourns over the tragedy in a Georgia school, gun-grabbing grifters are already at work exploiting this shooting to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

So ask any gun-grabber this question –

What law would have stopped the shooter?

Not a Red Flag law. Not a Universal Background Check. Not a ban on AR-15s.

I hold our Constitution sacred, especially the 2nd Amendment. And I refuse to let the Left take our guns away from us. If you agree, then help me get to Congress today so I can protect our right to bear arms!



From the time I earned my Eagle Scout badge to the time I graduated from West Point, I was taught how sacred our Bill of Rights is and why we must safeguard them.

GOA A-RatedMore importantly, I was taught that the 2nd Amendment protects us from the government trying to take away the other 9!

Mark my words – I am dedicated to defending the 2nd Amendment from Kamala and her Democrat minions hellbent on seizing your weapons.

Because it won’t just be Red Flag laws. It won’t be just banning AR-15s.

They won’t stop until they confiscate every gun you own.

That’s why if you care about protecting the right to bear arms, then I need you to kick in your support today!

Every minute you sit on the sidelines is a chance for Kamala and the Democrats to take away your 2A rights. Don’t delay!

In defense of the 2nd Amendment,

Joshua Loyd
Republican for Congress




Joshua Loyd is a former member of the Army National Guard & Active Duty components. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army, The United States Military Academy, or the Department of Defense.