Put an End to the NPR Con Game

Our plan to defund NPR depends on you!
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%%FIRST NAME or Fellow Concerned American:

Do you think it’s fair that the Democrats get a taxpayer-subsidized propaganda outlet?

Because that's what happens every day on NPR.

Thanks to our investigative team, we have the evidence that NPR is controlled by the Democratic Party while pretending to be a media outlet.

As such, we at the U.S. Justice Foundation are filing a complaint with the FEC to strip NPR of its press exemption and treat every dollar NPR spends as a political donation to the Democrat Party!

If you agree that NPR is just the propaganda mouthpiece of the Democrat Party, then kick in your support today to help us win this battle!

Even a former NPR reporter knows how bad it is right now. This person is no conservative, but they chronicled how NPR's reporting of the last few years was conducting a campaign to hurt Trump, cover up Biden family malfeasance like Biden’s laptop, and push the Democrat Party’s agenda.

This is campaign activity, not the work of the media.

So why should NPR be exempt when every one of their dollars spent goes toward helping the Democrat Party?

Well, the new NPR CEO is a donor to Biden and the Democratic party… and was a Biden 2020 volunteer!

Any way you look at the evidence, NPR is NOT a media organization.

While our case is strong, I fully expect the Left to come out in full force to defend their party’s main propaganda outlet!

That’s why it’s going to take the support of conservatives like you to ensure we have to resources to win and put an end to NPR’s blatant campaigning.

Will you support our efforts to expose NPR with a swift contribution today?

At the United States Justice Foundation, we are a small staff of dedicated lawyers focused on protecting our Constitution. Since 1979, we have fought and won countless battles against the Left’s attacks on our country.

We have spearheaded projects that protected our republic from voter integrity, prevented illegals from voting, and stopped the left from granting statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, among other issues. But we can only continue our efforts thanks to the generous support we receive from freedom-loving Americans like you.

And now we’re attempting to expose NPR and protect the rights of taxpayers.

We have a winnable case that can end the Democrat’s propaganda arm for good!

Will you support our efforts to expose NPR and give us the resources to succeed with a minimum contribution of $50 or more TODAY?

The left has made this possible through years of work and we intend to unmask it within months. I can’t wait—how about you?

Thank you,
James V. Lacy

James V. Lacy
President, U.S. Justice Foundation









Contributions and gifts to the United States Justice Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions to the fullest extent of the law. Contact your tax advisor for more details.