Save it or shred it

It's going to be ripped to shreds soon!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Republican,

Despite what Kamala cackles on TV, she is definitely after your constitutional rights. In fact, she’s ready to shred every one of them if she and her leftist goons win in November.

With her California values, you can expect:

  • Free speech – gone.
  • Freedom of religion – no more.
  • Your right to bear arms – Federal agents will be collecting your guns whether you like it or not.

This is unacceptable. When I took my oath to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic as a soldier in the U.S. Army, I never envisioned a threat from inside our nation.

That’s why I won’t allow the Constitution to become a relic of the past.

So, if you’re willing to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me, I’m confident that we can stop Kamala and the Dems before it’s too late.

In honor of the 235th anniversary of the signing of our U.S. Constitution, will you please make a swift contribution to ensure it survives?

The Founding Fathers established the Bill of Rights to safeguard our individual liberties from a tyrannical government, and we can’t let the Democrats dismantle them.

Kamala and Biden weaponizing the government to target Trump and other political adversaries.

Facebook and Google are working with the DHS and FBI to censor conservatives.

And it will get worse if you sit by and do nothing!

That’s why I’m asking you to make an investment TODAY in the future of our Republic by standing up against the enemies of the Constitution and the rights enshrined in it.

Time is running out. I hope I can count on you to join me in honoring the 235th anniversary of our Constitution.

For our Republic,

Joshua Loyd

Joshua Loyd
Republican for Congress



Joshua Loyd is a former member of the Army National Guard & Active Duty components. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army, The United States Military Academy, or the Department of Defense.