Send a Message to Comrade Kamala

Kamala's plan will lead to Soviet-style bread lines!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or My Fellow American:

Have you ever looked at Soviet Union-era bread lines and thought, “Ooh I want that!”

Yeah, neither have I.

Yet we have Kamala Harris campaigning LITERALLY for the same Soviet-style price controls that caused food shortages and bread lines!

And she’s selected a running mate who openly embraces China’s policies.

We're not just fighting progressive Democrats, but they are literally copying the communist playbook from Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela.

If you don't want to see the American dream replaced by Communist price controls, then help us send a message to Comrade Kamala by getting liberty-loving conservatives elected today!

Who in their right mind is envious of Venezuela? Jealous of Cuba? Or pines for the glory days of the Soviet Union?

But that’s exactly what’s happening as the Democrats are falling over themselves praising Kamala’s price control plan.

History has shown us that communism doesn’t work. Yet that’s what the Democrats are pitching to America as an “economic policy” to save us….but only if you don’t help us stop them today.

America is a shining example of capitalism and we can’t let the Democrats turn back the clock, embracing the philosophies of Lenin and Stalin.

We MUST get liberty-loving conservatives elected… From Trump down to your Congressman. Can we count on your support?

The alternative is not something you can afford.

God Bless America,

John Dennis

John Dennis
Republican Liberty Caucus






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