Thank you, Mr. Trump

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I'm so thankful to President Trump
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I’ve never been more thankful to a President of the United States.

The enemies of Israel are the enemies of the United States and it’s clear that President Trump understands that their reign of terror must be ended—from Gaza to Yemen to Tehran.

Will you join me in thanking President Trump for allowing us to take the gloves off and do what is needed to win this war?

Now that Israel isn’t being forced to fight a war with our hands tied behind our backs, we can focus our resources on rescuing the 59 hostages.

Iran and its proxies simply want to kill Jews and Christians alike and they have no intentions of stopping their barbarism. They don’t care if you live in Israel or the United States.

Since October 7, 2023, we have increased our mission to ensure Israel’s soldiers and security forces are properly equipped, but our resources have been depleted during the last 529 days.

The IDF has ordered an “intense” escalation into the war and we URGENTLY need to re-supply many of the soldiers who have endured multiple tours of duty with:

  • Modern body armor,
  • medical supplies,
  • life-saving equipment, and
  • Winter storm suits for those serving in the North.

We are thankful to have President Trump’s support, but we need your continued prayers and contributions to ensure the words of Genesis 12:3 become a reality:

And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you.

Please support our Israel Emergency Fund TODAY and show President Trump that you stand with him in support of Israel! Thank you!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

Jonathan Feldstein

Jonathan Feldstein
President, Genesis 123 Foundation






The Genesis 123 Foundation is a US-based non-profit. Our mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful. We have diverse leadership of Jews and Christians united toward this objective, and aspire to create an abundance of programs to achieve these goals. We are excited to play a role in this important mission and hope you will join us and be blessed.