%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Confused American: The left is under the impression that profanity laced tirades will earn them votes. Decorum be damned. They’re willing to ditch the pronouns if acting like a middle school student is more effective. They don’t have a plan to make things cost less or our communities safer. They just want to be in control and will do anything to dupe you into granting them power once again. Will you help us expose the Democrat Party’s new attempt to dupe American voters? Politics isn’t the limbo, but Democrats will pander to the TikTok crowd if that’s what will put them back in the majority. Instead of solving the problems facing average Americans, Democrats are still fighting to put boys in girls’ sports and spend YOUR money on transgender studies in foreign countries while you can’t afford to pay for groceries. That’s the message we’re taking to America’s communities and anywhere the left is spending money to sway voters for the upcoming Special Elections for Congress next month. And the state races down ballot later this year. Stand with us to solidify the GOP Majority in Congress. The left is going to keep throwing spaghetti at the wall until something sticks. But don’t think for a second that they won’t stumble across a tactic that resonates because even a broken clock is right twice a day. Keeping our momentum going this early is one of the most important things you can do to ensure safeguard the mandate and to ensure America’s Golden Era becomes a reality. For a New Journey,
New Journey PAC was founded by James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, who is the former Executive Producer for the Rush Limbaugh Show and worked alongside Limbaugh for 30 years. New Journey PAC engages minority voters with an effective, relentless campaign to answer the Left’s lies about the Republican Party and educates voters as to why the GOP is the only party of freedom and prosperity. |