The biggest lie yet

Are we going to let the media cover this up?
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Breaking News


Kamala just flip-flopped again.

This time it’s about the border wall.

Do you honestly believe the woman in charge of Biden’s failed border policy suddenly had a chance of heart?

As someone who grew up in farm country, your word is your bond.

And Kamala just laid out a pile of manure with that whopper!

But unless we combat the media’s peddling of Kamala’s lies, she’s going to lead the Democrats to victory this November.

That’s why you need to act now to help me expose the truth to the voters.

We can’t trust the Lamestream media to expose the Democrat’s lies!

  • Kamala is for Amnesty.

  • Kamala is for giving citizenship to anyone who enters our nation without permission.

  • Kamala is for keeping the borders WIDE OPEN, letting more criminals, sex traffickers, and terrorists walk freely into our country.

If you want voters to know the real plan that Kamala and the Democrat Party have for our border security (or lack thereof!), then you’ve got to help me get the truth out!

There is no other way.

For America,

Joshua Loyd

Joshua Loyd
Republican for Congress