The facts are Damning

Just wait when Black voters find out!
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Just the facts, ma'am

%%FIRST NAME%% OR My Fellow American:

The Democrats want to make this race for the White House be about race.

Substance and policy be damned.

Well, we want to make it about the facts. And the facts are damning.

Kamala embraced Bidenomics and Americans suffered; everything costs too much.

Kamala embraced the defund agenda; now our cities are more crime-ridden.

Kamala embraced Biden’s green energy policies; now America is dependent on foreign nations.

Kamala failed to secure the border; now our country is facing the consequences of sex and drug trafficking with terrorists entering our nation.

When Black Voters hear these facts about Kamala, they become Trump voters!

Kick in $25, $50, or $100 today so we can share the truth with Black America!

Our formula for success is based on a tried-and-true method which is why the legacy media isn’t going to share these facts.

Biden & KamalaAnd even though Kamala saw an initial polling bump, her numbers are going to crater just like Biden’s did.

Here’s the hard, cold facts--since 2020, we’ve made amazing inroads into the Black community, which was evident in Biden’s cratering support that led to his dropping out.

That’s because she’s part of the same party that calls Black Republicans like Winsome Sears and Tim Scott an “Oreo,” “Uncle Tom,” or other racist terms because they don’t toe the Democrat line.

It’s the same group of tolerant people who just referred to Byron Donald as a “raisin” on Bill Maher’s show—right to his face.

Just like Biden, Kamala doesn’t want Black Americans to achieve the American Dream. She champions the Democrat Party’s policies that keep Black Americans beholden to their Democrat masters.

As I said before… She doesn’t want Black voters to get the facts!

But your donation of $50, $100, $1000, or whatever amount you can afford will go directly to putting boots on the ground so we can share the facts about Kamala Harris.

And here’s one indisputable fact – too much is at stake for you to sit on the sidelines. Otherwise, Black America gets duped again by the Democrat Party.

Kamala’s presidency would be a disaster for America and we have just enough time to expose her and stop it from happening.

Your support can make history. Will you join our efforts to expose Kamala?

For a New Journey,

James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
Founder, New Journey PAC






New Journey PAC



New Journey PAC was founded by James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, who is the former Executive Producer for the Rush Limbaugh Show and worked alongside Limbaugh for 30 years. New Journey PAC engages minority voters with an effective, relentless campaign to answer the Left’s lies about the Republican Party and educates voters as to why the GOP is the only party of freedom and prosperity.