The latest poll doesn’t look good.

We're done if we lose this state.
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Conservative:

Kamala’s all smiles about Florida.

In fact, a poll published just days ago focused on traditionally red Miami-Dade County, it has Harris defeating Trump. The Democrats are using it to rally their base.

This is a shot across the bow and a dire warning for all Republicans!

The Democrats feel confident that they can flip Florida Blue… and if that happens, that’s bad news for the GOP control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency!

We can only win this November if we Keep Florida Red. And that means we need you with us. Kick in your support of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford today!

We’re facing a nightmare scenario if Kamala and the Democrats win Florida.

Four years of the Harris-Walz brand of socialism is worse than the Biden agenda; it will completely destroy this country.

  • They’re going to ignore our border crisis;
  • They’re going to give taxpayer-funded benefits to illegals;
  • They’re going to keep spending money we don’t have;
  • They’re going to pack the courts with progressive judges; and
  • And they’re going to keep indoctrinating our children.

It’s all part of their plan and they intend to make YOU pay for it.

We can’t allow the left to win Florida, but that also means we need the resources to share this message with voters so we can stop the radical leftist takeover of the Sunshine State and our nation, dead in its tracks.

If you want the Biden-Harris nightmare to end, kick in $50 or whatever amount you can to ensure we Keep Florida Red!

Sending a Trump and a GOP-led Congress to Washington is the only formula for making America stronger and great once again.

But winning in November is up to YOU.

Please don’t give the left any opportunity to pick up even one seat.

Join our efforts TODAY!

For a stronger America,
Peter M. Feaman
Peter M. Feaman
Chairman, Keep Florida Red
Republican National Committeeman, State of Florida – 2012 - 2024




Keep Florida Red



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