These 6 races will decide who is in control

The Dems can't wait to take back the majority!
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%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Conservative:

6 races will decide who controls Congress in November.

And they’re all in California.

Yes. The People’s Republic of California.

Despite Gavin Newsom’s wishes, there are still pockets of Republican resistance in the Golden State. And these races will decide if we have a Congress that helps Trump Save America or holds endless investigations and impeachment proceedings against him.

What do you want? More impeachments against Trump? Or more of Trump’s policies passed into law? The choice is up to you.

Help Protect Conservatives like Mike Garcia!Top on the list of being targeted by the Democrats is Mike Garcia. Mike is a conservative Republican and that makes him enemy #1 of the Gavin Newsom machine here.

But it won’t just be Rep. Garcia that’s facing an uphill battle. Republicans like Michelle Steel, Kevin Calvert, and John Duarte will also be targeted by the Democrats and could be in danger of losing their seats if we don’t have the resources to help them.

The Dems are banking on California to help them take back Congress and pass Kamala’s socialist policies.

I’m banking on you to help us keep these California seats in Republican control.

Will you kick in your support of $50 or whatever amount you can afford today?

These 6 races are all that’s in the way of Kamala granting mass amnesty, packing the courts, and passing even more socialist programs that will push inflation even higher.

The choice is yours. Will you join us in winning these races?

God Bless America,

John Dennis

John Dennis
Freedom and Prosperity PAC






Freedom and Prosperity PAC


Paid for by Freedom and Prosperity PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.