Unlike Kamala, they didn’t forget.

The remember the hard lessons learned 23 years ago.
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%%FIRST NAME%% or My Fellow American:

As the 23rd Anniversary of the 9/11 attack is upon us, I am deeply concerned that our nation and its leaders have forgotten the significance of this day and how we were able to unify in support of our nation, our first responders, and our military.

CandidatesI established STAR PAC to help bring this mindset back to the forefront by electing candidates just like the ones I’ve endorsed—candidates who have dedicated their lives to a selfless calling to preserve our Republic.

By electing more Veterans, I believe we can solve our nation’s problems. That’s why I have dedicated my time to recruit and support these men and women to serve alongside me in the U.S. Congress.

I am personally asking for your help electing conservative Veterans who fought for our nation and now seek to serve in Congress. Will you donate $25, $50, or $100 to help STAR PAC deliver a victory for these candidates?

Unlike Kamala and the Democrats, these Veterans have never forgotten the painful lessons learned on that fateful day 23 years ago - 2,997 Americans lost their lives, including 474 first responders, truly New York’s finest, who sacrificed everything to save others.

These brave men and women understand why we must remain vigilant in defeating anyone who seeks to do harm to this great nation.

It’s why they answered the call to serve in the military and why they have now answered our nation’s call to serve in the U.S. Congress, but they can’t succeed in their mission without your help.

Will you stand alongside me in this fight and help get these battle-tested Veterans elected in November?

God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America,

God Bless America,
Rep. Jack Bergman
Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-1)
Lt. Gen., USMC (ret.)
Founder and Chairman, STAR PAC






Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman (USMC, ret) represents Michigan’s 1st Congressional District and is the highest-ranking combat Veteran serving in Congress. He established STAR PAC to help fill the void and to support conservative Veterans—men and women who know what it means to defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic as they seek elective office. He believes it’s one of the many ways we can fix Washington and he hopes you’ll join him in this mission.