Walz and the Wizard of Oz

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
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the man behind the curtain

%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow American:

Watching the controversy with Tim Walz’ misrepresenting his rank and deployments while in the military reminds me of what the Wizard told Dorothy.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Walz is no different than what I would see in my over 40 years of service in the Marines. There were some people who just liked wearing the uniform for a little while, using it as a stepping stone for something else.

Conservative VeteransThe good news is that there are conservative Veterans who bravely served in the military, haven’t embellished their record, and now are ready to serve their country once again in Congress.

These men and women are ready to join their fellow Veterans: John James, Derrick Van Orden, and Ryan Zinke, in Congress and to Save America from the Harris-Walz nightmare.

The question is… are you ready to help STAR PAC get them elected?

If you agree that we need more conservative Veterans in Congress standing up for our values, then kick in your support today!

I'm Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman (USMC, Ret). As the highest-ranking combat Veteran serving in Congress, I've figured out what Washington is missing, and I'm working to fix it.

We’ve identified conservative Veterans who are ready to do their part to make America safe once again. Now we need your support to protect them from the onslaught of Democrat dollars that will be spent against them.

Will you join my efforts to get my endorsed candidates across the finish line?

Make no mistake, we are in a battle to save our republic!

Who better save us than Veterans who already put their lives on the line to defend us from our enemies on the battlefield?

These conservatives are ready to take our country back, but they need you with us if they’re going to win this November.

Stand alongside me as we take on the left and make America Secure again!

This is my plan for keeping our nation and its people free.

God Bless America,
Rep. Jack Bergman
Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-1)
Lt. Gen., USMC (ret.)
Founder and Chairman, STAR PAC








Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman (USMC, ret) represents Michigan’s 1st Congressional District and is the highest-ranking combat Veteran serving in Congress. He established STAR PAC to help fill the void and to support conservative Veterans—men and women who know what it means to defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic as they seek elective office. He believes it’s one of the many ways we can fix Washington and he hopes you’ll join him in this mission.