What the Bible says about Trump’s attack

The hand of the almighty is at work.
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Trump Rally

%%FIRST NAME%% or Fellow Concerned American:

Time and again in the Bible, it would take a tragedy for Israel to refocus their sights on God.

We saw great revivals after such tragedies under Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Asa, Hezekiah, Josiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

These moments brought spiritual awakenings that led Israel closer to G-d.

Now with the tragedy we witnessed in Butler, PA, we in America have a choice. Do we continue on the path of destruction? Or do we embrace Biblical Values and bring a spiritual revival to our nation?

If you are ready for America to refocus on Biblical values, then join us with your support today.

For all who live our lives by Biblical Values, we cannot permit America to continue this slide toward Gomorrah. Our nation is in dire straits.

  • From pornography being pushed in our grade schools,
  • Doctors encouraging young teens to mutilate their bodies,
  • Parents who are considered “abusive” for rejecting a child’s desire for gender reassignment surgery, and
  • Teachers who are now prohibited from informing parents of their child’s preferred pronoun.

And now we have one of our leaders targeted with an assassin’s bullet.

Make no mistake, America is facing dark times right now. But just like Israel, we can see a true revival in our land.

The Coalition for Jewish Values is fighting to save this country and we need to know that you are standing with us.

There would be no America if there wasn’t the Bible.

And if we want this country to continue, now more than ever, Biblical Values must continue to be front and center of our lives.

If you agree, join with us today.

The hand of the Almighty is at work.

May G-d continue to bless you, America, and Israel,

Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Managing Director, Coalition for Jewish Values






Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV)


The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) is a project of Project Genesis, Inc., a 501c 3 non-profit, non-partisan organization. The Coalition for Jewish Values advocates for classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of American public policy. Donations to the CJV are tax-deductible within applicable limits for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. We are grateful for your support.