Who are the Right Republicans?

I need to share something important with you!
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Senator Rand Paul

%%FIRST NAME%% or My Fellow American:

I’ve been in the D.C. Swamp for over a decade. In that time, I’ve seen countless Republicans cheer for liberty on the campaign trail, and then vote against liberty in Washington.

It’s just unacceptable. Thankfully, we have the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) to expose their hypocrisy.

While many conservatives haven’t heard of the RLC, it has been a significant force in our movement behind the scenes. Moreso, their commitment to keeping Republicans accountable for their voting record is incredibly important.

Today, Congress has never been in greater need of having more constitutional conservatives who will protect our freedoms and that means getting more of the RIGHT Republicans elected to Congress.

If you believe that it’s not just enough to get any Republican elected, but instead the RIGHT REPUBLICANS in office, then join me in supporting RLC today.

The RLC acts as a watchdog against fake conservatives in Washington. They examine the voting record for each Member of Congress and publish a score based on their commitment to liberty.

While I’m honored to have received a perfect score of 100/100 from them in 2023, sadly I’m the only U.S. Senator to achieve that score.

Today, Congress has never been in greater need of having more constitutional conservatives who will protect our freedoms and help Donald Trump make America great once again.

That’s why it’s vital you show your support for the RLC so we can continue to hold Republicans accountable and help constitutional conservatives get elected in key races across our country.

Can I count on you to kick in $50 or whatever you can afford today?

This is an ambitious task, but it’s critically needed.

I can tell you from experience that the RLC has a real impact in Washington. There isn’t another organization like them in the country.

Will you assist us in getting more constitutional conservatives elected?

It’s the best way to make a significant impact for the future of our great country.

Kindest regards,

Rand Paul

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator, Kentucky

P.S. The GOP adopted a Platform at the RNC Convention that reinforces the inalienable rights to Individual Liberty that are enumerated in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but they will be meaningless if the wrong people end up in Washington. Will you please support the RLC with a gift of $50 or more so they can make sure we don’t end up with politicians who said one thing in Milwaukee and then do something else in Washington?





Paid for by the Republican Liberty Caucus
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

Contributions to the Republican Liberty Caucus are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.