Bret Baier Questions Rattled Kamala Harris on Deadly Consequences of Her Open Border Policies in Fox News Interview

In an interview with Bretbaier, Wednesday’s Fox News Channel Special Report, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked tough questions about the southern border invasion during the Biden-Harris Administration.

This was the first time Harris had to answer tough questions. Harris appeared to be on the defensive.

Do you regret your decision to end Remain in Mexico so soon after taking the oath, or at the start of our administration? Baier asked.

Harris didn’t directly answer your question.

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Baier’s follow-up questions about the alleged victims migrant crimes against Jocelyn Gary and Rachel Moran as well as Laken Riley asked: “What I am saying to you is, do you owe these families an apology?”

“Those victims suffered a loss which should never have happened.” Harris did not apologize to the victims for saying that.

He asked again, “Do you owe an apology to them?”

What I would like to tell you is that I’m so sorry for her death. She said, “I’m sincerely sorry for her loss.”

Harris claimed, “Congress is ultimately the only place where that will be fixed.”

Breitbart News has previously verified that her claim is false.

Already, laws to protect the southern border and prevent illegal entry are in place.

The Biden-Harris Administration has reversed and undone many of Trump’s border policies since 2021. They suspended the Remain In Mexico policy, for instance, on their first day.