*** DNC Livewire Night 3 *** Pathological Liar Tim Walz in Spotlight

The third night of the highly disorganized Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois is upon us, and Democrats are trying to determine how to properly execute the convention logistics. They pushed the current and former US presidents past primetime on the first two nights. Neither Joe Biden or Barack Obama appeared before 11:00 pm on the East Coast.
The Democrats spent the first couple of days hurling insults at Donald Trump, who was the Republican nominee for the third consecutive election. They threw out as many as they could. In their speeches, they have largely avoided policy issues. Instead, they spend their time trying to convince themselves on stage that the working class is not abandoning Democrats and that abortion is really the most important issue of our millennium. Both are false, so they’re stuck running on “good vibrations” while DJs play cool music and they pretend to cast ceremonial votes at which celebrities like Lil Jon surprise guests.
All eyes will be focused on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the pathological liar that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat presidential candidate, selected as her running mate. Tim Walz. Walz has lied repeatedly about his service in the Minnesota National Guard. He falsely claimed that he was “in war”, and inflated his rank after retirement. Walz has been exposed as a liar by the establishment media. The New York Times, Axios, and other outlets have all admitted it in the last day. Walz, according to CNN, has stolen valor not only by lying about the service record he’s had, but also about his drunken driving arrest from 1995. He has also lied, in multiple public statements, about how his children are conceived. If someone lies about both serious and trivial matters, it raises questions about his trustworthiness.
Walz’s compulsive dishonesty will be on full display to the few Americans who are actually watching this train wreck convention. The Nielsen ratings for the past two evenings show a dramatic drop in viewers compared to the last Democratic convention eight years ago, in 2016. The message from the party elders is that this election is still not won and that Trump could win. Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama – who is strangely obsessed with Trump as shown by his speech on Tuesday night – both made it clear at the end of their speeches to the convention that neither they nor Harris believe that this election has been won.
On Wednesday night, Nancy Pelosi will address the convention. She is the mastermind behind the coup against Biden. It will be fascinating to see what she has to say about Biden’s rotting corpse, which she left by the roadside when she moved him aside for Harris. It will also be interesting to see if she, like others, tries to distinguish Harris from Biden, and keep her away from the policy mess that she and Biden created together.
Bill Clinton, the former president, is a better choice to appeal to suburban women than any other speaker on Wednesday night. Bill Clinton will speak two nights after Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the convention. Clinton is not yet known to mention Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby, but it is amazing that he has avoided the same reputational damage as those who have engaged in similar behaviors. Bill Clinton has been credibly accused by several women of rape, sexual assault and other crimes. Maybe Trump can bring them along to the next debate (like he had done in 2016 with Hillary) and ask the “prosecutor Kamala” Harris if she can do anything for their cases.
Breitbart News will provide you with live breaking news, analysis and commentary as the events unfold in Chicago.
UPDATE: 11:43 pm ET:
Walz talked for 15 minutes, and he only shouted platitudes. He’s getting ripped everywhere for it.
UPDATE: 11:39 pm ET:
Walz’s speech is already over in less than 20 minutes. It was all feelings and vibes, with no substance. If he is ever pressed for specifics in interviews, debates, or press conferences, this guy will be ruined.
UPDATE: 11:38 pm ET:
Walz claims that the Democrats are currently losing the election. He compares it to a football squad that is down by a field goal but still has the ball in the fourth quarter.
He says, “There will be plenty of time to sleep after you die.”
UPDATE 11 p.m. ET:
Walz leads his crowd in the chant “We’re not going to go back”. Now he is promoting Harris’s résumé.
UPDATE 11 :33 pm ET:
Walz is now attacking Trump and Vance.
UPDATE: 11:28 pm ET:
Walz’s remarks so far have zero policy, and they are heavy on Walz’s background. America knows now that he lied compulsively and incessantly about it.
UPDATE: 11:24 pm ET:
Walz said it was “the honor of my life” to accept his nomination as vice president of the United States.
He repeats his “joy” nonsense seconds later.
UPDATE: 11:22 pm ET:
Walz finally takes the stage.
The introduction video has again lied about the Minnesota National Guard’s rank.
UPDATE: 11:20 pm ET:
The DNC has now played a video featuring Walz’s spouse Gwen in order to introduce him further. He has been introduced a lot.
UPDATE 11 :15 pm ET:
The Democrats also have Walz’s next-door neighbor as their speaker before Walz. This wastes more time.
UPDATE: 11:10 pm ET:
Why not fill up more time before Walz takes the stage?
UPDATE: 11:05 pm ET:
The Democrats then played another video message. John Legend is now performing on stage. Tim Walz is still not here, and we’re getting much later than when Biden and Obama took to the stage. The DNC has officially become a disorganized mess.
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