Kamala Harris Casts Doubt on Whether Election Will Be ‘Free and Fair’

On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris expressed doubts about the “freeness and fairness” of November’s elections.

Harris hasn’t yet said if she supports certifying Trump’s win, but she has been very critical of Republicans that objected President Joe Biden winning in 2020.

Charlamagne the God asked Harris: “Why do people act like this will be a fair and free election, and that he won’t steal it?”

Harris said that the election will only be “free” and “fair” if Americans are “willing to stand up for it.”

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Harris, before delivering his word salad, said: “It’ll be a fair and free election if the American people stand up for it.”

I think of it this way. I believe that democracy has two main points. First, a democratic system is strong in protecting the rights and liberties of individuals when it’s intact. We protect your liberties and rights when a democracy is intact.

Harris’s response comes after top congressional Democrats said to Axios that they wouldn’t commit to certifying 2024 elections if the former president Donald Trump won.

Many members would be hypocrites if they failed to certify the election, such as Jamie Raskin (D) who is the ranking member of House Oversight Committee and former member of January 6 Committee. He told Axios he was unsure whether he will certify Trump’s victory.