Kamala Harris, Tim Walz Interview Each Other in Policy-Free Discussion as Both Continue to Dodge Press

Vice President Kamala Harris, and Gov. Tim Walz has finally given an interview. Not to hostile or friendly press but to himself.

The media-averse pair recorded a bizarre, policy-free interview that was cut in the style and format of an unstructured interview released by the Harris-Walz Campaign on Thursday.

This video is not for voters looking to know where Harris or Walz stand on immigration, the economy, or other pressing issues of our time. The video, however, was jam-packed with information for voters who wanted to know what Walz put in his “white man tacos,” and it tested how many cackles Harris’ self-proclaimed “hip hop girl” could fit into a 10-minute video.

The video is full of vapidity and vibes.

A Winning Strategy?
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A Winning Strategy?

The Dems think the 7 words you can’t say on TV will help them win next month’s special elections for Congress. They don’t have plans to help the average American, but they will do anything to dupe Americans into granting them power once again. Please help New Journey ensure the GOP maintains the majority and expose the left’s new con!

The confusing video will not satisfy the voters, nor the media who are eager to know how Harris is going to govern differently from the unpopular administration where she was the second-highest official.

While Walz may share the love for Bruce Springsteen that many of his fans profess, he continues to ignore the scandal surrounding the stolen valor which has plagued the campaign ever since he became a member.

Walz has castigated anyone who questions the value of veteran’s service. However, this ignores criticisms that arose from his repeated lies about his rank at retirement, his location, and if he knew before retiring he would be sent to war.

We’re not criticizing his service. We are attacking the dishonesty in relation to that service. This is not honorable. Tim Walz shouldn’t be vice president of the United States for that. That is dishonorable,” said Sen. JDVance (ROH), Donald Trump’s running mate, who served in a Marine public affairs position in a conflict zone during the Iraq War.

Trump and Vance regularly take media questions while they travel across the country.

Since joining the 2020 presidential race, Harris hasn’t held a press conference without a script for 25 days.

The video was a stale campaign ploy. Harris’s fascination with Venn diagrams and her love for Prince’s music is well-known.

It’s not 1999 and she is no longer an Assistant District Attorney (although she has renounced her previous record as a member of the law enforcement community). It’s a new strategy to run for the highest office while ignoring the policy issues.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Harris’ campaign advisers were concerned about releasing the “thorny” details of their economic plan publicly, as they could backfire.

These fears are probably justified. Harris’ first policy announcement is a promise to ban price gouging, price fixing and other forms of price gouging in the United States within the first 100 days of her presidency. This is an attempt to counteract the low ratings that Biden has received from voters for his handling of the economic situation.

Biden insists that Harris is the owner of the Biden-Harris record.

The record of the team is not good.

According to the Consumer Price Index of the Department of Labor, consumer prices have increased by 20.2 percent in the 42 months since Biden and Harris assumed office. This gives Harris and Biden an ignominious title of presiding over inflation that is the worst since Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Harris seems to think that voters are more interested in her vinyl records today than her economic record. Harris and Walz seem to be comfortable with ignoring economic questions or any questions, and instead focussing on their previous careers as an assistant football coach in a roster that included fullbacks and a lawyer working in ‘law and order-starved San Francisco.

It remains to be determined how long this strategy will last. If the campaign does not change its course, Walz may one day reflect on his glory days before joining the ticket.