Rep. Jordan to Investigate Biden’s Red Flag Law Center

Breitbart reports that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) opened an investigation Thursday into the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center.
The Justice Department announced last Saturday that it would provide an initial funding amount of $750,000,000 for the center. This money will be used to “provide valuable resources across the nation to our partners to prevent firearms from falling into the hands of those who are a danger to themselves or to others,” according to Attorney General Merrick G. Garland.
Jordan, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee wrote to Cassandra Crifasi, and Joshua Horwitz of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, stating that “the committee has serious concerns regarding the infringement of due process and Second Amendment right by red flag or extreme-risk protection order laws.”
Jordan highlighted the ease with which people can petition a judge to highlight the abuses that can occur when red flag laws are in place.
In Hawaii, for example, a former employee or roommate can request an extreme risk protection. “In California, former roommates, employees, former girlfriends, or anyone in a dating relationship’ can file a petition to obtain an extreme risk order,” Jordan explained.
Jordan’s letter concluded with five points that Jordan wants answered by April 11. These include the oversight of funds, a clarification of how the center will punish abuse of the program and all documents and communications between “DOJ Employees and Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions Employees referring to or relating to National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center.”
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