Trump Cancels Press Conference on Election Fraud Claims

Donald Trump, the former president, has now announced that he will not be holding a news conference next week in order to reveal what he believes is new evidence of fraudulent activity in the Georgia 2020 elections. He cites the advice of his lawyers.

According to state officials, in the past two and a half years, no compelling evidence has been found of the widespread fraud Trump claims. Republican officials from the state, where three recounts proved that Trump lost to President Joe Biden, have said for years that he won legitimately.

He wrote Thursday night on his social media page, “Rather than releasing a Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election, my lawyers prefer to put this, I believe irrefutable & overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities into formal Legal Filings while we fight this disgraceful indictment.” He continued, “Therefore the News Conference is not necessary!”

Trump announced that the event would take place hours after the grand jury voted against him and other defendants in an alleged conspiracy aimed at illegally overturning the results of 2020 elections and stopping the peaceful transfer of power.

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Kamala’s Bank Funnels money to Terrorists

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He said that he would release an “almost-complete” report at a “major news conference” on Monday morning, which he held at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey. “Based on this CONCLUSIVE report, all charges against me and others should be dropped – there will be a COMPLETE EXONERATION!”

Trump’s attorney general and federal and state election officials have all said that there is no evidence to support the claim of a tainted election. Courts, including judges appointed by Trump, have also rejected the former president’s claims of fraud.

Three recounts were done in Georgia, where his latest charges are centered, after the election. Each of them confirmed that Biden had won.

Trump’s advisers have long advised him to focus less on airing his grievances over the 2020 election, and more on his future plans. Trump has been warned before to be careful with his public remarks. The federal judge who is overseeing the case of election conspiracy brought against him last week in Washington warned the former President that he has limits on what he could publicly say in relation to evidence in the investigation.

The judge stated that the more “inflammatory statements” made about the case the more urgent it is for her to get the trial started to avoid witness intimidation or jury contamination.

She said, “I will take any measures necessary to protect the integrity of the case.”

The Republican Governor of Georgia has criticized Trump for his continued allegations of fraud. Trump tried to lobby Brian Kemp in an effort to reverse his defeat in Georgia.

“The Georgia 2020 election was not stolen.” Kemp wrote that for nearly three years, anyone who has evidence of fraud, under oath, has not come forward to prove anything before a court.

Mike Pence, the former vice president whom Trump tried to push to unilaterally overturn election results and who is now challenging Trump to be the Republican nominee, has echoed this message.

He said, “The Georgia election wasn’t stolen and I didn’t have the right to reverse it on 6th January,” this week.