The 1776 Coalition is dedicated to motivating every citizen to participate in the 21st Century Revolution to preserve the United States as a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” We are simple, hard-working Americans who want to preserve the American Dream.
Americans in every state took notice during the November mid-term elections, attended rallies and banded together in opposition to a nation succumbing to socialism. These brave patriots forced the liberal media to take notice even though they’ve been maliciously attacked as “fringe” members of our nation for expressing their feelings on the future of our country.
Now we need to hold the tide against those seeking to force socialism upon us and ensure that our new cadre of leaders holds true to the mandate we’ve given them. Tens of millions of voters went to the polls and delivered the following proposal to Washington:
- Complete the building of our the border wall.
- Reign in out-of-control federal spending,
- Repeal Obamacare,
- Support our troops in harm’s way, and
- Decrease the size our federal government and stop all earmarks.
Our new political leaders include: Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez, and Ken Cucinelli, who are joining the Young Guns led by Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan. They have forced fellow citizens to realize the Obama-Reid-Pelosi “change” agenda is not working for America.
Even President Obama stated that that voters were “deeply frustrated” by the actions of Washington and the economy during his first two years.
(White House Press Conference, 3 November 2010)
The 1776 Coalition is dedicated to motivating every citizen to participate in the 21st Century Revolution to preserve the United States as a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” We are simple, hard-working Americans who seek to preserve the American Dream.
We call upon concerned Americans to join our legion of fellow countrymen and citizen activists who use electronic communications and online networking as the preferred tools for monitoring our elected officials and ensuring that they remain servants of the people while they are bestowed with the public trust.
The fundamental premise of The 1776 Coalition is that person-to-person validation is the key to improving our country and restoring our personal liberty.
Join our movement and network with fellow liberty-loving Americans while we keep our elected leaders accountable to the people and the Constitution.
You’ll also receive our free 1776 Coalition Daily Briefings right into your inbox every day. We will not sell, share, license or trade your contact information.
As a member of The 1776 Coalition, you will receive:
- Information on the top political news stories of the day;
- Insider news on legislative action in the 112th Congress (2011 to 2012); Time sensitive messages from leaders of the movement;
- Insights into how Washington politicians are infringing on our civil liberties;
- First-hand insight into how Americans feel about the issues that are important to you;
- An understanding of how the T.E.A. Party movement will impact the 2012 election