Biden has a secret, illegal deal with Iran that gives mullahs everything they want

In the latest phase, an unacknowledged nuclear deal between Iran and the United States was approved by President Joe Biden. The money will be used to release five Americans who are being held hostage in Tehran.

Biden, by bypassing Congress in order to avoid a fight that he knew he would lose, is not only ensuring more hostage taking of American citizens but he also subsidizing Iran’s terrorist activities, its military support of Russia, and nuclear weapons capabilities.

A top White House official made a visit to Oman in May to send a secret message to Tehran. Washington wanted to broker a secret nuclear deal.

Biden would lift the sanctions on Iranian funds outside of its borders and, in exchange, Iran would slow down its steady march towards a nuclear weapon threshold.

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Iran is free to hunt former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. Former Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook, as well as other Americans, would also be at liberty.

Tehran could continue to direct attacks against Israel via its Hezbollah terror proxy, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

Vladimir Putin could continue to use armed drones against the Ukrainians if Vladimir Putin continues to receive them from the mullahs.

The regime can even continue to produce high-enriched Uranium, just a few steps away from weapons grade, manufacture advanced centrifuges and develop longer-range missiles. It could also deny access to international inspectors of nuclear materials, as well as construct a new facility underground that is invulnerable against military action.

Biden’s demands are simple: Do not cross the nuclear threshold and produce weapons-grade uranium, as well as release five American hostages held in Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s dream was realized when he signed the agreement.

Iran has given up nothing on the nuclear front. Last week, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog reported that Iran continues to increase its stockpiles of highly enriched uranium.

Khamenei’s collection of American hostages will be restocked with the five Americans, at a cost per person of $1.2 billion.

Iran, meanwhile, gets to spend billions of dollars on budget support for a variety of illicit activities.

The Biden administration defroze Iranian assets in Iraq in June and July. This allowed Baghdad the ability to transfer payments for Iranian power into Oman-based accounts set up for Tehran. These payments will continue rolling.

Qatar will now receive an additional $6 billion in transfers to its accounts.

Several reports suggest that Washington also allows Tehran to exchange $7 billion worth of special drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund for fiat currencies.

US officials admit that they are allowing Iranian oil to be exported to China at a record rate. Estimates range from 1.4 million to 2.2 millions barrels per day in August, their highest level since President Donald Trump terminated America’s participation in Iran’s old nuclear deal.

Conservative estimates place this relief of sanctions at 25 billion dollars in revenue annually. Iran now wants to transfer another $3 billion from Japan.

This is a $50 billion protection ring, not just $6 billion in hostage payments.

How is this possible without Congress ever holding a single hearing or vote? The deal was negotiated secretly and the White House insists that there is no agreement.

Acknowledging an agreement would trigger the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, which prohibits sanctions relief tied to Iran’s nuclear activities, until Congress is given 30 days to review the deal and possibly reject it.

The White House is aware that, given Iran’s assassination plans against US officials, its arms transfers to Russia, and its crackdown on women, a deal which pays Iran to increase rather than reduce its nuclear weapons capabilities will be rejected by both the House and Senate on a bipartisan level.

As his job approval numbers are slipping on the eve his reelection, his aides would like to avoid a diversion by fighting a political war over a potentially dangerous nuclear deal.

Congress should not tolerate this flagrant abuse and evasions of law.

All documents relating to secret nuclear negotiations should be demanded by oversight committees.

The House should pass a joint disapproval resolution rejecting the new agreement and put pressure on Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer to also hold a vote.

A new law to stop the executive from releasing additional money should be considered.

Biden sacrifices our national security in order to create a false sense that nuclear activity will be quieted down in Iran until November next year. Congress cannot let him off the hook.