Russian warships to make Havana port visit this weekend, say Russian news agencies

Russian news agencies reported Thursday that warships from Russia’s Baltic Fleet would make a port-visit to Havana between July 27-30. Citing Cuba’s Defence Ministry, this will be the second visit of its kind in 2018.

RIA, the state-run news agency, said that the training ship Smolniy and the patrol frigate Neustrashimiy would be taking part in the trip. The tanker Yelnya and the refuelling vessel Yelnya will also take part. Russian sailors will meet with the Cuban Navy’s head.

It added that local residents could go aboard and take a tour of the Smolniy.

Last month, the Russian frigate and nuclear submarine made a ruckus in Havana’s harbour. The U.S. said it was not a threat. However, the U.S. government and Cuban authorities said that the stopover posed no danger.

Kamala’s Flophouse

I’m Republican Josh Loyd. As someone who grew up in farm country, your word is your bond. And Kamala just laid out a pile of manure by claiming she’s for the border wall! But unless we combat the media’s peddling of Kamala’s lies, she’s going to lead the Democrats to victory this November. Help me expose Kamala’s lies by kicking in your support today.

Kamala’s Flophouse
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Havana, Cuba is only 100 miles (160km) away from Key West, Florida. Key West is home to the U.S. The United States closely monitors such visits to the Naval Air Station.