Colorado Dems Push GOP Candidate in Primary

Colorado Democrats are raising the profile of a Republican running for the 3rd Congressional District of the state ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, who is vacating her seat in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional District, is running for the seat. Democrats hope to flip this seat in November.

According to The Hill a Democrat super PAC called Rocky Mountain Values PAC and Adam Frisch’s campaign run ads against Republican candidate Ron Hanks.

Hanks can be heard saying in an ad for the Rocky Mountain Values PAC that “immigration” needs to stop at the southern border. The narrator adds that Hanks’ views are “too conservative.”

A Winning Strategy?
1776 Coalition Sponsored
A Winning Strategy?

The Dems think the 7 words you can’t say on TV will help them win next month’s special elections for Congress. They don’t have plans to help the average American, but they will do anything to dupe Americans into granting them power once again. Please help New Journey ensure the GOP maintains the majority and expose the left’s new con!

Hanks’ response to the advertisement was, “I am glad that they are not lying about me. The Republicans are now lying about me. “Isn’t this an ironic turn?”

Hanks criticized Republicans for an ad from the Congressional Leadership Fund (a super PAC aligned with House Republicans). Hanks was portrayed as “anti-gun,” and as having “abandoned” President Trump in the ad.

The Hill reported Hanks was unfazed. He noted that he attended a political rally in 2021 and did not believe that President Joe Biden had won the election.