Gavin Newsom Convenes California Legislature to Pass $25 Million for Anti-Trump Lawsuits

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, convened a special session of the California legislature on Monday to “Trump proof” the state. This included passing $25 million in litigation against the new administration.

Breitbart News reported that after the November election, Newsom called the special session, not to address the pressing issues facing the state but for political reasons, namely, to lead the “resistance”. The opposition to Donald Trump, the president-elect.

Trump replied on Truth Social by saying Newsom “was using the term ‘Trump Proof’ as a means to stop all of the GREAT Things that can be done in order to ‘Make California Great again’.”

Newsom said Monday that unlike his predecessor Jerry Brown, his administration would not just react to Trump’s policies but go on the offense against them. He said that in the past, the state was able to reverse many Trump policies on an “agency-level.” (He might have been referring the Trump decision to withhold funding for the California high-speed railway system that California never built. President Joe Biden reinstated that funding.

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The governor claimed that no other state leader worked with the Trump Administration more closely during the coronavirus outbreak, and that California still managed to keep its lawsuits against Trump.

California shifted to the right in 2024 despite the fact that Democrats hold supermajorities of both houses of state legislature. Nearly 40% of Californians chose President-elect Trump over California’s vice president Kamala Harris.

Newsom’s posturing is thought to be in part because he is one of the frontrunners in the Democratic Party for 2028. He refused to run in 2024 as a rival to Vice President Harris or President Biden.