Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s pro-abortion-rights group sinks money into Florida ballot question

A day before the state’s six-week ban on abortions goes into effect, the announcement of the $500,000 investment in efforts to enshrine the right to abortion into the constitution was made.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s policy advocacy group has invested resources in a Florida ballot measure that would enshrine the right to abortion into the state constitution. This announcement comes just one day before Florida’s six-week ban on abortions is set to take effect.

Think Big America (Pritzker’s non-profit organization that has funded abortion rights efforts across the nation) told NBC News Tuesday it will donate $500,000 to the Floridians Protection of Freedom ballot initiative campaign. Think Big America has already donated $1 million to the Nevada ballot campaign and $250,000 to Arizona’s ballot initiative.

The Vice President Kamala Harris will visit Florida on Tuesday to bring attention to the restrictions on abortion, which have been framed by the Biden Administration as an example Donald Trump’s legacy since he appointed Supreme Court Justices who voted against Roe v. Wade.

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Nikki Fried, chair of the Florida Democratic Party, told reporters on Tuesday that the Democratic Party was energized by the attention we receive from the Obama administration. “They know that to protect freedom and democracy across the country, you must come to Florida’s belly.”

The Florida ballot measure, which will be put to voters in November by the state, would seek a constitutional amendment that would prohibit restrictions on abortions before fetal viable, which is considered at around the 24th weeks of pregnancy. The amendment would allow for exceptions beyond that point based on “the patient’s health as determined by their healthcare provider.”

Think Big America’s senior staff will offer “strategic support” to the Florida Abortion Rights Campaign, including financial, research and communication support. Christina Amestoy is a Think Big spokeswoman.

Women in Florida will lose nearly all of their reproductive rights tomorrow. Amestoy stated in a press release that a six-week ban on abortions is cruel, dangerous and un-American. “Restoring access to abortion in Florida is important not only for women within the state, but also for women throughout the region. Think Big America proudly supports Floridians Protecting Liberty in their fight to ensure that women receive the rights they deserve.

Another Democratic Governor announced last week an initiative to protect women’s abortion rights. California’s Gavin Newsom supported a proposal that would allow Arizona doctors perform abortions in California for Arizona residents until the end of calendar year. A state Supreme Court decision in Arizona led to the proposal. The 1864 law was almost a total ban of abortion. The Arizona House voted to repeal this law.