Nebraska Legislature Passes NRA-Backed Constitutional Carry Bill, Awaiting Governor’s Signature

A constitutional carry bill supported by the National Rifle Association was passed Wednesday with a majority of 33-14.

The bill that aims to protect Americans’ right to carry firearms for self-defense, without obtaining any additional permits, will now be sent to Gov. Jim Pillen will sign the bill. Gov. Pillen (R), a Republican, expressed his support on Twitter for the measure.

The bill was introduced by Tom Brewer of Nebraska. He says that the measure is in accordance with the Constitution and the will of Nebraskans.

Brewer, speaking to KLKN, said: “We try to give the Constitutional rights of the people the same respect that we would like them to have.”

George Soros’ Goons came to my District
1776 Coalition Sponsored
George Soros’ Goons came to my District

George Soros sent his goons into my district to hold a fake townhall meeting. This is Rep. Jack Bergman. They didn’t invite me, but they used an empty chair as a prop while they attacked my support for DOGE and America First policies. If you’re tired of Soros-funded leftists attempting to sabotage America’s future, then please help me keep up the fight in Congress.

He continued, “And sometimes we go to great lengths and twist these rights in order to prevent people from getting them. I think that (the concealed carry permits) is an example of this.”

Travis Couture Lovelady, Nebraska State Director for the NRA praised the bill and stated that with Gov. Nebraska will become the 27th American state to allow Americans to carry firearms outside their homes without government permission or fees.

He said that the NRA was working hard to eliminate the burdensome carry requirement across the country, and Nebraska was the latest state that recognized that criminals were the real problem.

The constitutional carry law, also known as LB 77 removes the requirement that gun owners who follow the law obtain a permit in order to carry a weapon for self-defense.

However, the law does not eliminate or affect permits that have already been issued. Permits to carry are still available to those who want to get one in states that accept Nebraska permits.

The bill also does not change who can obtain a gun, since felons, or other individuals disqualified from obtaining a weapon, will still be punished for illegal possession of a gun under federal, local, and state laws.

LB 77, in addition to the changes to permits, strengthens the preemption by giving the state legislature sole authority to regulate guns. This measure is intended to eliminate confusion and inconsistency caused by the patchwork of local firearm laws across Nebraska.

Couture-Lovelady said, “This is an important movement that is taking place across the country and the NRA takes pride in being the driving force behind it.”

“Anti-gun legislators must acknowledge that law-abiding citizens should be able defend themselves anywhere they are – after all, self defense situations can occur anywhere and without notice. Nebraskans can expect to live in a state which respects their rights.