New Hampshire Republicans Seek to Ban Illegal Aliens from Driving in State

New Hampshire Republican legislators hope to pass legislation invalidating driver’s licences issued to illegal immigrants in other states including neighboring Massachusetts.

Eight Republican state Senators and two Republican State Representatives have introduced legislation to ensure that illegal aliens are not allowed to drive in New Hampshire, even if their driver’s licences come from another state. The bill reads as follows:

The driver license or any other permit that purports to authorize a person to drive a vehicle on public roads in this state is invalid and the holder is not authorized to do so.

The bill would charge illegal aliens who are caught driving on New Hampshire roads with a misdemeanor.

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Massachusetts began issuing licenses to illegal immigrants last year. Massachusetts voters approved a law in 2022 that allowed state officials to sign up illegal aliens for driver’s licences.

In Rhode Island, illegal immigrants are now able to obtain “driver privilege cards”, which allows them to drive legally throughout the entire state.

With the support of Democrats elected, the open borders lobby has made obtaining driver’s licences for illegal immigrants a central part of their campaign to eliminate privileges that are only available to American citizens and legal immigration.

The open borders lobby is very concerned about illegal aliens getting driver’s licences. This is because, often when they are stopped by the local police for driving without a license, this can be the first charge which could lead to their arrest and deportation.