NYPD overtime to be cut to help pay for migrant crisis — even as crime remains higher than before COVID

NYPD cops’ overtime will be reduced to pay for the city’s migrant crises — despite the fact that police are still fighting to reduce crime, which is higher than it was before the pandemic.

Jacques Jiha is the budget director for Mayor Eric Adams. He has asked four city uniformed agencies – police, fire, sanitation, and corrections – to develop plans to reduce their overtime costs.

In a message sent Saturday to city agencies, Jiha stated that “the mayor will…issue a directive implementing an overtime reduction initiative” for the four uniformed agencies of our city (NYPD, FDNY and DOC/DSNY). “These agencies must present a plan on how to reduce OT expenditures from year to year.”

In the memo, it was stated that uniformed agencies are required to submit monthly reports to City Hall in order “to track their overtime expenditure and progress towards meeting the reduction targets”.

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Adams warned recently that the flood of tens and thousands of asylum seekers to the Big Apple would “destroy” it. This includes crippling its financial stability.

He said that the migrant inflow could cost the city up to $12 billion over the next three-year period. Big Apple agencies would have to make immediate cuts of at least 5%, and perhaps as much as 15% by spring. Jia noted however that even the most drastic figure “would only cover two thirds of the projected asylum costs.”

Patrick Hendry is the head of the largest police union in the city, the Police Benevolent Association. He slammed the idea of cutting overtime costs even for his members on Sunday.

Hendry stated that it would be impossible for NYPD to reduce overtime without addressing its staffing problem. Hendry said, “We’re still thousands of officers short and are struggling to bring crime levels back to the pre-2020 level without adequate personnel.

If City Hall wants to cut costs without compromising public safety, then it should invest in retaining experienced police officers on the job.

A political strategist said that Adams is “taking a huge gamble” when he messes with the NYPD’s manpower. He will run for re-election 2025.

If you reduce overtime, there will be fewer police on the streets. Hank Sheinkopf is a consultant who has worked closely with police unions.

NYPD overtime budget was over $700 million in 2013. Critics have complained for years about the high costs of police overtime.

Adams, a former transit cop, won the election for City Hall in part on a promise to restore public safety.

The battle on overtime is only one part of a comprehensive plan Adams and his Budget Director laid out in response to the skyrocketing expenses the city has paid to care for an unrelenting flow of asylum seekers.

The Scalpel includes a hiring ban, except for positions in public health and safety or “revenue producers”. Even critical jobs can only be filled if a vacancy is left.

Even though the departments were told not to include any layoffs as part of their proposed budget cuts, at least for the time being, a City Hall Insider told The Post that the drastic cuts are going to lead to pink slips.

The plan also includes a travel ban, except for Washington, DC and Albany, as well as a prohibition on new equipment purchases and consulting contracts.

The memo did not provide specifics, but said that services for migrants would also be provided.

Jia wrote: “We also reduce the services provided to asylum seekers, and we closely monitor these services to make sure they are delivered in a cost-efficient and cost-effective manner.”

Budget director stated that the cuts are needed if President Biden, Congress and Governor fail to step up. Kathy Hochul, the state Legislature and other stakeholders must provide financial support. Albany has only covered one-sixth the costs of care in the city for migrants, according to him.

He said that the assistance currently provided by Washington and Albany was “grossly insufficient”.

Jiha stated, “The city is going through a humanitarian disaster that we have not caused.”