Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country

The door to America has been opened wide.
The Post reports that thousands of migrants cross the US border every day in Arizona, literally flooding through the open floodgates. This has made the Tucson Post the busiest illegal entry point into the US.
Officials said that US officials had inexplicably opened 114 massive gates on the Arizona border, allowing water to flow freely for the annual monsoon and to facilitate the migration of an endangered species antelope.
The move also allows an average of 1,400 migrants to enter the country every day, from countries as far as China. Border agents are overwhelmed and outnumbered. They can’t stop them.
One Ecuadorean immigrant stated, “We thought that the agents would tell us something.” “But we just came in.”
Another Cuban said: “It was easy to get in the US.
“Nothing compares to our trip through Mexico.” “That part was difficult,” she continued. “I thought that there would be more security.”
The Post captured video of a group of 50 migrants walking through the open gates into the US within seconds. No one stopped them or questioned them.
Smugglers take advantage of the flooding mistake by driving migrants in buses to the border, where they are dropped off like casual tourists. They then turn themselves into border agents, claiming they are seeking asylum.
The Border Patrol agents refer to them as “give-ups.”
Tuscon’s border post saw 42,561 migrants last month. This is a significant increase from the 27,294 reported in June. Tuscon is now the busiest border post in Texas. El Paso, which has traditionally been busier, and Laredo, in Texas have both reported 24,352 and 26 627 border crossings in July.
Adam Isacson is the director of defense oversight for Washington Office on Latin America. He said, “We haven’t seen so many migrants since 2008.” “With the ending of Title 42 in a manner that no one oversaw, Tucson seems to be returning to its former glory.
Isacson stated, “What you see is large groups of people who want to surrender themselves.” “Tucson is also where smugglers have traditionally concentrated Mexicans and Central Americans that don’t wish to be detected. They’re now seeing 100 people at once who aren’t running away.
He said, “It is really becoming an Epicenter.” This is a big deal.
The 114 Arizona gates, which have been opened for almost two months, each feature 12-foot-wide doors that are wide enough to allow a motorcycle through. Smugglers take busloads to the Mexican border where migrants get off, and walk across the border.
Border Patrol sources say that the National Park Service, among other federal agencies, was the one who called on the Border Patrol to open the gates.
Because the monsoon started late in this year, the gates remained open weeks before any rain fell — giving migrants a dry route into the US.
One source stated, “We tried closing the gates, but we were told to leave them wide open.” You wouldn’t open the front door to your home in a bad area.
The gates are located along a 36 mile stretch near Lukeville in Arizona.
Customs and Border Protection issued a statement in The Post that stated: “The individuals were already on U.S. territory, and they are subject to U.S. Immigration laws.” The lawful pathways rule will apply to individuals who enter the country illegally. This rule imposes common sense conditions for asylum eligibility with some exceptions. “Those who cannot establish a legal basis for remaining in the United States, will be removed.”
The immigrants who are coming to Arizona come from all over the world, including India Egypt and China.
The migrants in Tuscon, unlike most South American migrants who look dishevelled, tired and worn out after a long, treacherous journey across the barren landscape, appear more like tourists.
Border agents understaffed can do little to stop this flood.
One source stated that “Three night ago, there was a large group of migrants on the Mexican side.” Two agents were on ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) and one agent was trying to prevent them from entering. The agents were on quads [bikes] and blocked the gate. The cartel man just started pushing people.
They rushed at the agents. You had people climbing over quads. People were pushing agents. “Not a single person was charged.”
Kyrsten Sinesma, a former Democrat senator who became an independent last December in response to The Post’s questions regarding the open gates throughout her state, stated: “Arizona Communities bear the brunt for the federal government’s failure at our border.” The Administration must do better. Border communities are at their limit and need more support.
I’m pushing for the quick distribution of federal resources, including non-profits, to border communities. This will help us secure our border and keep Arizonans safe. It will also ensure that migrants are treated fairly and humanely.
Border Patrol personnel shortages are a problem in this area. The Border Patrol in the area has staffing issues.
When only a few trainees applied, the bonus was increased to $20,000.
One source stated that “everything has changed since President Biden took office.” This part of the wall was constructed four years ago. We’re now just letting people pass.
The source continued, “Brutal.” No one wants to be here. We charge the migrants with a federal offense, but they are not convicted. They are not sent back. They are given a credible interview to assess their fear, and they will be assigned a court date in the future.
We never hear more than that. “The administration will not help us.”
Brandon Judd said that the speed with which open gates are exploited by cartels is an indication of their influence.
He told The Post that “When you leave a spillway open or a gate, the vast majority will not know and won’t have the ability to reach it quickly.” The cartels constantly monitor what we do. So, when something is left open, they exploit it.
“In this case, the explosion happened almost instantly, showing how well criminal cartels can exploit any weakness, at any time, that we may show them.
“The cartels are aware that you can claim asylum by crossing the border illegally. You’ll be released if you are with your family, if they’re from a specific country, and if there’s a loophole that goes beyond what Secretary Mayorkas announced.
“We [Border Patrol agents] are all left wondering why an administrator would do such a thing.”
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