Oregon Wants Schools to Hide Student’s Gender Identity From Parents

The Oregon Department of Education is now awake.

Oregon Public of Education (ODE) has published a guide encouraging schools to conceal students’ gender identity from parents.

The 48-page guide advises students to conceal their gender identity from their parents. It also promotes the woke ideology queer theory, which states that anyone can be different from the gender they were born.

The title, “Supporting Gender Expansive Student, Guidance For Schools”, explains what students should do if their parents are interested in learning about their gender preferences.

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Students who don’t publicly identify their true gender identity might be concerned about their privacy. This could include students, school staff, community members, and their families. The guide states that support for gender-expansive students should include parental and family support. However, this may not always be possible.

Colt Gill, Director of Oregon Department of Education, and Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction complained about media coverage that “dehumanizes” gender-affirming education.

The Libs of TikTok sent an email to the staff of Oregon Trail School District’s middle school, asking them to refer to a 7th grade female student as “they/them.”

The email asked staff to use “she/her pronouns” when referring to students.

Libs of TikTok was informed by a staff member that students are not allowed to hide their gender confusion from parents.

The guide also states that it will provide “gender-affirming clothing” to students who wish to dress as the gender they are not born with.

Breitbart reports that the Oregon Department of Education is planning to spend $2 million to develop pro-LGBTQ2SIA+ curriculum and safer affirming spaces.