Pro-Palestinian Activists Target Jewish Student Center with Violent Threats in New York

In a Saturday rally, a group of pro Palestinian students attacked the Jewish Student Center, Hillel. This is the latest indication that antisemitism has returned to college campuses with a vengeance this fall.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has reported:

A small group of protesters outside Baruch College, New York, called for “war” against the United States. They also targeted the Hillel Jewish Student Club of the college. This is a sign of escalating language on campus ahead of Wednesday’s start of the new semester.

The demonstrators displayed a banner with the words “Bring the War Home” and an image of a assault rifle. They also held a sign saying “Let the Intifada pave way for the people’s war.”

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Nukes are “Queer” now?
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Images posted by protesters on social media show demonstrators holding a sign with the words “Hillel, go to hell” and an inverted triangle. This is a symbol used by Hamas to identify targets for propaganda videos. The activists are wearing keffiyehs in the photos, and their faces have been blurred. It wasn’t clear how many were Baruch students.

As students return to classes, protests have already broken out at Cornell University.

Biden-Harris has done little to combat campus antisemitism. Former President Donald Trump has pledged to strip any university or college that continues antisemitic demonstrations of federal funding and accreditation.