Report: Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60,000 Migrants Out of Their Areas

Liberals have been blaming Texas in recent years for mistreating migrants and bussing them to the north. But those deep blue, Democrat-dominated, cities have bussed nearly 60,000 back out and sent them to other blue cities.

A detailed article published in the New York Times reveals that Texas’ Republican Governor. Greg Abbott has transported around 120,000 migrants to other cities including New York City and Washington DC.

The majority of migrants who benefitted from the Texas Transportation Program were Venezuelans, but there were also many other migrants from poor countries.

Abbott’s bussing proposal changed the immigration debate. Texas would not have been the destination of these border-crossers if there were no bus trips north. They would also have taken longer to spread into other states. It would have given Democrats time to accuse Texas, without fear of any consequences in their own state, of abuse of migrants.

George Soros’ Goons came to my District
1776 Coalition Sponsored
George Soros’ Goons came to my District

George Soros sent his goons into my district to hold a fake townhall meeting. This is Rep. Jack Bergman. They didn’t invite me, but they used an empty chair as a prop while they attacked my support for DOGE and America First policies. If you’re tired of Soros-funded leftists attempting to sabotage America’s future, then please help me keep up the fight in Congress.

Blue states had to act quickly when tens or thousands of migrants started flooding into their cities. They were forced to spend billions for housing and other benefits and test their claims of sanctuary. These northern states didn’t mind Texas spending billions of dollars on migrants. But when they had to join Texas, the story changed.

Since the Texas busing programs began, many northern cities have started their own bus programs.

The Times reported that despite their stale claims to be “welcoming”, many of these places are actively trying to rid themselves of migrants. New York paid more than 35,000 migrants in order to get them to leave New York and go to Illinois, Florida or even Texas. Denver has also tried this tactic. Denver has sent at least 22,000 migrants elsewhere. Illinois offered free plane and bus tickets to over 7,000 migrants if they left the Land of Lincoln.

The Times didn’t mention it, but the story shows that Joe Biden’s migrant crises are bringing poverty to America.

The paper tries to portray in a section of the article that these migrants have achieved an “American Dream” after they were bussed to New York City.

The newspaper tells the tale of Cuban Reydel Gray, who was bussed to New York from Texas. Grau told The Times that he was thrilled to be living in New York City, and earning $30,000 a year at a meatpacking factory.

“My American Dream came true,” said Grau, a happy man. “I’m here.”

Is this really a success story? In fact, Grau’s $30,000 a yearly income is $14000 less than the poverty rate of $44,000 for a New York City family of four.

Grau’s $30,000 per year may seem extravagant to him, but the amount is below the official poverty line for families in New York City. It means that for a whole family, Grau will still take advantage of many state and federal welfare benefits and be a burden to the American people.

Statistics show that as many as 59 percent illegal immigrants and 52 percent legal immigrants receive some sort of welfare.

Mr. Grau has the same luck. He has a good job. He has a job. Joe Biden imports welfare recipients and poverty-stricken people into the U.S.A. in the millions.