Texas Bill Aimed at Banning Edible THC Products Calls for Stiff Penalties

The Texas Senate has introduced a bill that would ban edibles that contain THC (an ingredient found in cannabis plants).

Fox 4 reported Monday that the state’s Senators will begin to discuss Senate Bill 3 soon. The Republican leaders have deemed it one of their top priorities.

The outlet stated that the legislation was largely a response to the 2019 law which allowed the commercialization hemp products, which include products with THC concentrations below 3%. Many products, including gummies, fall under this category.

Anyone who possesses the products would face “up to a year in prison and a fine up to $4,000” while manufacturers would be subjected harsher penalties.

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According to WebMD, THC is “delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in the cannabis plant. The website states that THC is what causes you to feel “high” when you smoke marijuana, or eat edibles.

The site states that high levels of THC may cause hallucinations and delusions.

Dan Patrick, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, launched an initiative in December to ban THC. In his statement, he said:

Agriculture is a part of Texas’ fabric. The Texas Legislature passed House Bill 13025 in 2019 by Rep. Tracy King (D-Uvalde) to boost agriculture in Texas. A part of the bill permitted hemp to be commercialized, which could include non-intoxicating, trace amounts of Delta 9-THC.

Retailers exploited the Agriculture Law to make it easy for the public to buy and access dangerous forms of THC. The stores targeted Texas children, exposing them to high levels of THC. Since 2023, thousands stores have opened in Texas selling THC-containing products. Many of these products, such as beverages, have up to four times more THC than marijuana bought from a drug dealer. Senate Bill 3 will ban these products and all THC forms in Texas.

Breitbart News reports that in 2023 an 11-year old boy from New York City overdosed after consuming THC gummies, which he mistakenly thought were candies, at a Super Bowl Party.

According to the Fox report “Agriculture commissioner Sid Miller stated that under current laws the market is unregulated and customers do not always know what they’re getting.” He said that some products contain more THC than the currently allowed levels.

Click here to read articles on THC.