Texas Gov. Abbott Signs Law Reining In ‘Rogue’ DAs

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Monday that he has signed a law to hold accountable “rogue district attorney”.

Abbott tweeted: “A new bill I signed will help rein in rogue District Attorneys.”

The governor stated that those who wish to join the Texas law enforcement force must protect Texans and uphold the laws. If not, they’ll be held accountable.

Abbott signed House Bill 17 into law on the first of this month.

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Texas residents can file a petition to remove district attorneys that refuse to prosecute certain types of crimes or a particular class of crimes. The law also broadens the definition of “official misbehavior” that can lead to a district prosecutor being removed from office.

According to the Texas Constitution the law takes effect immediately upon receiving the vote of the two-thirds majority of members of each House.